~Chapter 6~The Worm~

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The Next mourning George woke up before dream. He almost Yelped covering his mouth with his hands that were previously around dream. After George calmed down form the sudden scare he started think.
Why was dream in his bed?
Why were his OWN arms around dream.
George carefully got up trying his best not to wake dream. He opened the door and after passing through it slowly closed it to not make a click.
"Hey George-"
George jumped and slapped him.
"AHH- oh shit sorry sapnap."
Sapnap started giggling.
"It's fine it's fine. Anyway how was cuddling with dweam?"
He said ending his sentence in a baby voice. George blushed out of embarrassment.
"I uh- "
Sapnap laughed even more.
"Uhh...why was dream in my bed?"
Sapnap tried to stop laughing and explained.
"Pfft- after you fell asleep Dream brushy you to your room but you grabbed him onto yo bed and he fell asleep, look."
Sapnap showed George his phone with multiple photos of him and he hire cuddling asleep.
George got a little a very and tried to grab sapnaps phone.
"Delete that!"
Sapnap held his phone up giggling.
Out of the three of them George was sadly the shortest and unable to reach the phone sapnap hung over his head.
"Hmm should I send it to dreams phone-"
"No No No No! Just get rid of it sapnap-"
"Good mourning.."
Dream exited the door pushing his head through his hair.
He gazed his drowsy eyes at George and sapnap before yawning.
George punched sapnaps side.
"Stop sapnap-"
Sapnap giggled and proceeded to ignore sapnap.
He held out the phone to dream George trying to grab it.
"You fell asleep with George and I HAD to take photos!"
Dream opened his eyes a bit more.
"Can you send them to me."
Sapnaps eyes beamed as he messaged them to dreams photo as he pulled it out and saved them.
George bye that point had given up and covered his face out of embarrassment.
"Hey George look."
Dream held out his phone to George.
"Nice background image right?"
Sapnap burst out laughing while George punch him again.
After a small argument it lead up to the three of them eating Eggs and bacon that Dream had made.
George ate in silence as Dream and Sapnap mocked him.
"Cmon George was Dream comfy to sleep with~"
Sapnap teased.
"Cmon sapnap we should stop egging him on."
Dream said as he held up a bit of egg on his fork.
"That was terrible..."
George said stuffing his face with the eggs on his own plate.
"What was the joke? Or last night?"
Dream and sapnap continued bursting out with laughter as George stood up throwing his plate in the sink.
"Anyways....weren't going to lake today."
George said not so smoothly changing the subject.
Dream and Sapnap were still laughing.
After a bit of punching and some complaint George finally managed to drag the two of them too the car all of them in their swimsuit and having a beach bag. Sapnap forced Dream and George into the back of the car again to prevent any fighting over the front seat.
George had wrapped himself in a towel while dream scrolled through his phone.
George sat nervously in the back. He always felt more exposed then he should of been in a swimsuit despite enjoying swimming.
He was still salty about the photo of him and Dream. At least he was asleep the entire time.
He was more worried of the fact that he might of made dream uncomfortable. But again it WAS dream.
They had arrived after a short drive. Thankfully there wasn't to many people. At the lake so they didn't have a high chance of being recognized. The Lake was surround bye old wooden tables for people to sit at. Each table had 1 or two trees above it for some shade. After the three of them got out they found on of these tables. It took longer then it should of to find a decent table. Half of them were covered in fresh bird shit or someone's left overs. But they soon found one.
Dream who was carrying the bag of food, water, and a few other things set it on the table. For a minute they all just stood their like that one emoji people used on TikTok (this one 🧍‍♀️) but after a moment of silence they all made there way down to the water.
George complained that it was cold while sapnap was already half way in and attempting to splash water on George who proceed to scream and scare half the people at the lake. After during George screaming and dream laughing George ended up slipping on air as the world decided to fuck him over.
George fell back, dream stopped laughing before attempting to grab him, George somehow managed to bring Dream down with him and both fell into the water. Sapnap was only able to see a blurry image of them as they fell into the dark blueish water.
Dream had his entire body around George Protecting him from hurting himself. After falling into the water the two of them opened their eyes and looked at each other. From George's View the sun from above into the water causing dreams hair to appear as if it were glowing a gold. From Dreams view the light coming from above hit George's eyes and caused them to shimmer like that rainbow light people would see on their floor for the special angle the light hit the glass at.
The both were their floating for a minute until George noticed a red mixing into the water coming from dreams shoulder. George made an attempt to saying something for getting they were underwater causing his to choke on water that he had accidentally swallowed. Dream then realized what was happening and stood up from underneath the water hold George up as he coughed out the water he had swallowed.
1013 words
Wow this was a long chapter!

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