~Chapter 11~Wait A Damn Minute~

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After Chatting and playing more Minecraft for another few hours the three of them decided to end their streams. It was about 1:45pm when they had finally ended.
After the last End Stream button was clicked they all kinda sighed in relief.
"We were so stacked on stuff!"
Sapnap said slightly annoyed.
George thought sapnaps displeasure was humorous and giggled to himself.
"Yeah true, but oh well I guess."
Sapnap groaned at how calm George was before sitting up.
"I'm gonna get a snack."
He got up and made his way to the kitchen cabinet and grabbed a family bag of potato chips before sitting back down and eating them angrily.
"Pfft sapnap are you that mad?"
Dream asked trying to laugh.
Sapnap slowly turned his head before shoving his hand to the bottom of the chip bag and throwing the biggest chip he could find at dream hitting him smack in the face.
Dream wheezed as he threw the chip back at sapnap before George got up and grabbed it mid air and eating it himself.
Sapnap snorted but continued to be mad but it was more light hearted and non-serious.
Sapnap threw another chip as Dream prepared to catch it before George once again snatched it and ate it.
"Hey! My chip!"
Dream said standing up pretending to be upset but giggling through it.
"It mine now! Sapnap throw another one!"
George shouted turning to sapnap.
Sapnap grabbed another one and chucked it as George caught it with his mouth this time shouting yes while chewing it.
Dream fell on the floor dying of laughter as sapnap clapped throwing more chips.
Soon enough the bag was empty even though it was pretty much empty to begin with and now the floor was painted with chips that George had not caught.
It lead to the three of them laughing while picking up the fallen chips and tossing them in the trash.
As they had finally picked up all the chips and called down from laughter sapnap had grown curious about something.
"Sooo- George."
George looked at sapnap.
"Uhh yes?"
Sapnap started going around him in circles.
"Dream kissed you! Dream kissed you!"
George blushed before yelling at him.
"Sapnap stop that!"
Dream started laughing before joining him instead saying "I kissed you."
George just stood there in defeat.
"Sapnap found it funny that every time he did this dream ended up joining his chaos.
George then looked at sapnap violence in his eyes.
"Ok go on...snapmap!"
Sapnap nugged him.
"Hey! I said not to call me that!"
"Ok...snapmap, smapsnap, sappynappy."
Now it was dream and George teasing sapnap.
It had eventually calmed down after something was knocked off one the tables bringing them back to reality.
The went quiet for a moment before George went to pick up the fallen object.
They all kinda giggled because of the awkward silence that came over.
After that they went back to playing Minecraft, well two of them. They all were playing just for fun while dream went back and forth editing for a video but still playing the game normally with them too.
Bye the time they had gotten off it was already 9:13. They had completely forgot about dinner or anything like that.
But it didn't really matter. They had gotten up every once in awhile to grab snacks so they were content.
They took a break from playing Minecraft to discuss their plans for the day to come.
They all decided the aquarium would be fun.
593  words

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