~Chapter 15~Just Date Alredy~

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It had almost been an entire week, Sapnap had to leave due to his family inviting him to some gathering. He Knew Dream and George had nothing to do the next week so he had planned for the next week. He had rented the house two weeks instead of one for them. And It was about time to tell them two days before leavening.
George said put his face in his hands.
"Mhmm yea Gogy?"
"Sap- you didn't have to do that-"
"Yeah I know."
Dream was next to George kind of curious about why sapnap had done that but to busy laughing at George telling him that he didn't need to do that, that he felt bad, etc.
In reality he just wanted to get these two together. And this was perfect. He would be the best fucking wingman anyone had ever known.

Those two days had passed quicker then Dreams speed runs. It was full of chatting, food, Minecraft, and sapnap teasing George.
It had ended with the three of them at the airport waving sapnap goodbye as he wheeled his stuff into the building vanishing into the crowd of people.
Dream was the one to drive the car back home with George in the passengers seat glad he finally got it after a week of fighting about it with dream. While driving back to the house Dream and George decided to do another Minecraft stream. Apparently Dream had coded the game and thought it would be fun to stream it instead of recording it for a video and just editing it to seem like a video later.
When they got home they both got their Laptops out already having the Minecraft launchers opened.
After Geogre had set up his face cam and the two of them were in the world, they started streaming.
They both said there hellos to the stream.
The two of them hopped into a world after doing their intros. What followed what be a mix of dreams tea kettles wheezing and George agravation at his own confusion.
George was chopping down a tree attempting to make a crafting table, confused he turnned towards dream in game.
"Oh yeah- you need a bookshelf to make a crafting table."
Dream said snickering his character flying in circles around George.
"What!? Dream that's impossible!"
Silliness like Thai continued on I the stream as George and his chat were utterly confused on what was happening in front of them. The it had taken George about 3 hours to finally reach the end and beat the dragon finishing it off bye hitting it with a wooden sword dealing 7 damage due to dreams change in code.
After finally taking it down George had sighed with relief and the two of them ended stream.
George argued to dream about how he practically broke the game. A wooden sword dealing 7 damage? The diamond sword he had made thinking it was useful turnned out it didn't do any damage! In fact giving more damage to the target!
Dream was quite hummored. He enjoyed coding and then watching everything fall apart.
The laughing and anger had dissolved into the two on the couch watching a movie. They had both decided on a good old horror movie.
Not a cheesy cliche horror movie but one that honestly scared you.
Dream had made popcorn as they ate and watched the movie. When ever something scared one of them the other would laugh. It was mostly George freaking out and dream teasing him but a few things managed to scare dream as well. It was nice, just the two of them watching a movie.
George and dreams phone both started buzzing. Sap ow had sent a message to a group chat with the three of them. He had sent a picture of, chicken? Dream and George both looked at each other.
"Any idea what this is dream?
George asked. Dream shook his head.
A messaged was followed up bye sapnap messaging them.
"I found this chicken at the airport, I'm taking it home."
Dream was laughing while George frantically messaged sapnap not to do so with this random chicken he had found.
But sapnap messaged that he was still going to take it home and stopped responding to George.
"Where the fuck did he find a chicken-"
"Haha, no idea! It's just1 it's just a-"
Dream was still laughing.
The two had forgotten about the movie at had, the two of them flinched when's loud noise followed bye a flash came from the glowing screen. Their attention was directed at the tv, but not for long as they started giggling to each other.
"Maybe for our next video we should do Minecraft but my friend is a chicken."
Dream said still giggling, George replied with a simple maybe and the two went back to eatting popcorn and chatting while watching the movie.
836 words
Yeah I know that chicken was random- but cmon sApnAp WoUlD ToTTalY dO thAt.

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