~Chapter 8~Your an Idiot~

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Dream laughed to himself once again. This was stupid. Maybe all that platonic Flirting was finally getting to him. I mean he was good with identifying how he felt. And Maybe he liked George. After the way George had looked at him in the water- in person it was much different then on stream. He could SEE George. He could LOOK at George. And George could look at HIM.  Dream put the water back into the bag. He was probably wrong. I mean he wasn't ALWAYS right. He went to go find George and Sapnap. Thankfully it didn't take him long to find them. Sapnap was standing bye a tree as George was punching him.
"George you Idiot." He mumbled to himself.
After meeting back up with them they enjoyed themselves swimming in the lake. George screaming mostly. They all were enjoying themselves until sapnap hit a child in the head with a rock and they decided it was best they left. While they were packing up the mother was walking her child to the public bathroom she walked past the three she quietly mumbled.
"I've been here the entire time, fucking f@ggots." She walked on bye with her child.
Dream and George had ignored her as she was an old lady but sapnap refused to here that said to his most likely homosexual friends.
He grabbed the bag over his shoulder leaving George and Dream looking at him confused.
"Oi! Lady! Fuck you!"
The lady was enraged.
The lady turned implying she would chase them.
Sapnap, Dream, and George ran all the way back to the car, Dream and George hopped in the back seat as Sapnap quickly drove away.
Dream and Sapnap laughed while George though slightly aggravated was chuckling under his breath at them.
They all talked about it on their way home. Bye the time they had reached home and changed out of their swimsuits it's had been around six. The three of them all decided on watching a movie and eating dinner. Deciding the movie was more difficult then predicted.
Sapnap wanted to watch a Classic Zombie Apocalypse Movie, Dream wanted wanted to watch some kind of action movie. And George wanted to watch Toy Story 4. The three of them  finally decided to watch a Christmas movie despite the fact that it wasn't even close to December.
Dream had grabbed everyone junk food they had gotten and called it "dinner." They streamed for hours on end playing a Block game. This was Practically luxury. The couch was big enough for all three of them. Sapnap was on the far right of the couch. Dream was in the left. George had his head leaning on dreams and everyone once in awhile would kick sapnap.
The Polar express is what was playing the entire time. The animation was always appreciated.
Unlike last night Sapnap was the one who fell asleep first. Geoffrey attempted to wake him up but Abnormally strong kick. But he was out. George and Dream had carried Sapnap to his one room and left him there. Despite his look it took the power of both of them to carry him. Shortly after The two of them returned to the couch back to watching the movies. George had leaned on dreams shoulder again but slowly moved down to lay on dreams lap.
"Wait why are we watching a Christmas movie again?"
George calmly asked.
"Yeah- I don't actually know."
The two of them gave a short giggled.
"You really didn't want to touch that fish."
Wait what?
"Huh? Oh yeah, i don't like touching fish. They feel weird."
Why did Dream ask that? It's like he zoned out for a minute. But he managed to bring himself back.
"Sorry about that."
Dream look down to George.
"About what?"
George sighed.
"You know..."
"Come on George say it."
George blushed.
"About kissing you, I probably made you feel uncomfortable."
"Why would I? Plus I didn't hate it?"
"Ok that didn't come out right-"
George turned to look up at dreams he laughed a little.
"Yeah that came out terrible."
Another wave of silence came among them.
"I didn't mind it."
Why was dream so held up about it?
"Nether did I."
Dream and George looked at each other like they did in the water.
Dream slightly lifted George up and hugged him.
"Hehe you care about me~"
741 words

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