~Chapter 7~Bold of you to assume im...~

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Sapnap helped hoist George up as he coughed out the water.
"Woah? Are you guys ok?"
He asked Dream.
"Yeah we are fine, George just swallowed some water."
"*cough* Dream your shoulder-"
George said pointing to his shoulder shortly retuning to cough out the last of the water.
Dream turnned to look at his shoulder. There was a large red gash spreading around his shoulder. He assumed it was from a rock that he might of hit under water.
"Oh, eh I'm sure it's fine."
Sapnap cut in.
"I'm not sure it looks pretty bad."
George stood up on his own grabbing dreams wrist dragging him back to the table. Sapnap let them have their moment ans started to collect rocks he thought looked cool.

George sat dream on the table and started rummaging through their beach bag.
"George I said it's fine.-"
George grabbed a small first aid he had put in the bag before leaving.
"Turn to your left."
Dream turnned slightly as George opened the first aid kit before putting on a a small white fabric light bandage and then wrapping his arm in gauge.
Dream was quiet.
George kneeled so his face would reach dreams face.
"I didn't come 1000's of miles for you to get an infection, let's go back to sapnap."
George stood back up waving him arm for dream to stand up and follow. Dream quietly stood up and followed George back to sapnap as they greeted each other. Dream was left slightly dumbfounded at what George had said. He didn't want to admit it but it intimateding? No that was right. Attractive? He couldn't put his tounge on it but before he could try to figure it out sapnap inturpted his thinking.
"Oooo George did you wrap up dreams arm."
Dream crossed his arm.
"Yes yes I did Sapnap."
Sapnap started to laugh.
"Haha! Dream you were right! He does care about you!"
George blushed the as the new usual he punched Sapnap sides.
While the two of them fought dream quietly said to himself.
"He..he really does."
Sapnap and George stopped fighting for a moment.
"Whats was that dream?"
Sapnap had asked.
Dream shook his head and waved his arms back and forth.
"Oh nothing! Just uhh- think aloud!"
Sapnap giggled a bit before remembering soemthing.
"OH! yeah guys look what I got!"
Sapnap had found a large purple bucket most likely left bye a family. He picked it up.
"So I was going to collect rocks but I found something better!"
Sapnap pulled an entire fish out of the bucket, it was failing but sapnap had a goo grasp on it.
Georgie shouted.
Dream started laughing at how ridiculous this was.
Sapnap wiggled the somehow not dead fish in front of them.
"George you wanna touch it?"
George backed up.
"Eww no it's gross and slimy!"
Sapnap started chasing Geogre with the fish. Dream followed behind them as geogre was screaming.
Soon sapnap had cornered Geogre bye some thorny bushes.
"Oh George~"
Dream nudged sapnap.
"Hey that's my line!"
The two them giggled as sapnap inched closer to George with the fish.
But then sapnap stopped having the most wounderful of ideas.
"Hey Geogre, if you don't wanna touch the fish kiss dream!"
Dream started laughing behind sapnap.
George said trying to find a way to leave.
"Come on gogy! Give me a kiss!"
Dream shouted from behind.
Geogre protested but was it really worth it?
Geogre looked in the fishes probably dead eyes and then back at dream.
George sighed as he pushed sapnap aside and went over to dream.
Dream didn't think he would actually do it so he kept laughing.
He was shocked when geogre gave him a small peck on the cheek.
"There sapnap are you happy- DID YOU TAKE A FUCKING PHOTO."
Sapnap had his phone pointed at them before shoving it back in his pocket and then running, geogre started chasing him. They ran along the side of the water. Sapnap had thrown the fish back in because it was slow king him down. Dream had made his way back to the table to get a small drink of water deciding not to follow them. He didn't think geogre would actually do that. Maybe on stream but not in person. Dream giggled to himself before taking a long sip of water.
I mean he didn't dislike it on stream. And even though it was only a second. It felt, nice?
755 words

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