~Chapter 19~Your Not the Pizza man~

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Dream had realizes it was already the afternoon when he woke up so instead of making himself a brunch of some sort he just ordered cheese pizza. Pizza solves everything. He thought he would stream something he hadn't in awhile. He hopped on hypixel. Why not stream some random games on there? As soon as he hopped on people came flooding around his avatar, so much that he had to turn of the people around him. He stood bye the leaderboards and started streaming. Over 100 thousand people hopped on the stream right away spamming the chat. Unless he was debunking speedrun accusations he rarely streamed on his own. He greeted stream before randomly clicking a game to play it brought him to a game of TNT bow spleef. He ran around trying not to die of course while speaking to his chat and reading out donos.
"Coochiz thanks for the Dono of 16 dollars!"
He looked at what they had said.
Dream I saw sapnap and George in Arizona. I know it was them because they kept calling each other beg there names and stuff. Were you that third person-
Dream started to talk over the donation.
First of they could of worded that better- but what were people watching them? Should he have been more careful out in public? Did multiple people see him?
Chat was freaking out. Apparently sapnap posted on Twitter of him pointing at a tree, under the photo was the location of where he was. Sapnap had no idea.
The chat started doing research it was like they were cracking a case. Dream got nervous as more donations were asking about what was going on. Dream started to ignore the donations which made him more "sus" as the chat was spamming.
Coochiz made another donation.
I took a photo. It's on my Instagram- it's the same as my user-
Dream quickly had his mods get rid of the donation of screen and blocked the user. But bye then people had already found the account. Half the chat was freaking out going to the person Instagram. Very few were being respectful and trying to get the rest of chat to stop for privacy reasons.
Dreams heart pounded. He would have to show his face eventually but not yet! Dream logged of hypixel and without a word to chat ended stream.
He slammed his face into his desk.
He thought a nice stream would be fun, but that wasn't fun. Not one bit. His phone blew up. Social media itself blew up. Multiple platforms blew up. People had already started fighting about the photo. Dream decided to check out this photo himself. He went to the account. It was a photo of the three of them walking. You could easily see George's face. Sapnap was doing some pose, and Dream stood in the middle. His face was barley in the photo covered bye his hair. But that was still a photo of HIM. Dream freaked out. What could he do? Sure he could report the account but that wouldn't do all that much.
He slapped his phone down into the desk. He rolled his fingers threw his dirty blonde hair repeating the words fuck and shit over in a repetitive manner. He just got home and this is what he's hit with? He took a quick sigh and picked up his phone again dialing sapnap.
He picked up right away.
"Hey sapnap-"
"I know."
"You saw the photo?"
"Yeah...I mean your face can't be seen that well?"
"that's not the point sapnap! Now it's out there-"
"Dream! dream calm down maybe we can-"
"Sapnap! They know what I fucking look like. They know..."
They both fell silent.
"Sorry sapnap I'm just-"
"No no it's ok. I'm sure we can get it taken down, or something like that."
Dream sighed.
"I hope so, sorry I wanted to see if you knew, bye."
"Wait Dre-"
Dream hung up.
It didn't matter if they took it down. It was there no matter what.
Dream sighed, he wasn't very Hungry for the pizza he had ordered anymore. It shocked him how in a few minutes everything went nuts. He grabbed some crumbled money from  counter in the kitchen and made his way to the door.
He swung it open and looked.
"How much do I-"
"Uhh hey dream...."
753 words
Sorry this was kinda rushed- I'm not the best with pacing story's. Anyway some angst >:D

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