~Chapter 10~Manhunt~

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It had become mourning. The three of them had already woken up.
Sapnap was first to rise. He went to check on Dream to find that he wasn't there, so he assumed he was in George's room.
After a bit of struggling he had opened to door starling Dreams and George.
Now here they were eating food and watching TV.
Dream and George explained that they got stuck and Sapnap just nodded.
He started to notice how comfy they've got with each other. He of corse known they they definitely liked each other and though in person they would realize that.
He over estimated their skills.
Sapnap sighed to himself as he checked his phone to see if he had any messages from Karl, sapnap felt like the third wheel which he didn't mind of course, he had his own thing going with Karl. But it annoyed him that they hadn't gotten together yet. Maybe he should of asked Karl what to do.
Sapnap suddenly remembered yesterday and got an idea. He ended up sending the photo he took of George kissing Dream and sent it to dreams phone.
He chuckled while he awaited for dram to open up the messages.
Dream shouted blushing and laughing.
George looked at the two of them confused before peaking at Dreams phone growing embarrassed.
Dream had saved it as his Lock Screen which George argued with him about.
Sapnap thought to himself.
Maybe he should chase George around with a fish more often.
They hadn't discussed what to do that day so the three of them decided to do a Minecraft stream. Thankfully they had all brought laptops.
They all sat in different places in the house Dream had chosen a small bean bag chair he had found. George sat at the kitchen island. And Sapnap was bye a small coffee table.
Dream kept the mask he worn when first seeing George in case his face was shown. George was using his webcam.
The three of them started streaming as thousands of people came online greeting them. They hopped into Minecraft ready to just mess around with each other when someone donated to George pointing out the change in location.
George looked at sapnap and Dream as they nodded.
"Oh yeah, me Dream and sapnap are all renting a house in Arizona together! Also thanks yoshistreamz for the Dono!"
All three of their. Chats bomber with excitement and questions.
It had only been about 10 minutes and they were all somewhere on trending.
It had been awhile sense they had down something other than the dream SMP or a manhunt video. It was just them chatting while trying to beat the game mixed with annoying each other and dream and George "platonically" flirting which as always was going to get clipped.
Sapnap for some reason dug a hole and breed chickens collecting their eggs. It was made apparent later that he would throw stacks at George and dream to annoy them.
Georgenotfound fell from a high place.
George shouted as sapnap egged him into a giant hole.
After plenty of Donos and getting stacked it was time to beat the wonder dragon together!  Dream made beds but George thought it would be fun to do it the old way before speed running it.
The three of them attacked the black dragon which flung sapnap to his death.
Now it was just George and dream as sapnap cheered them on.
Thankfully they had gotten all of the end crystals and the dragon to a little under half health.
Dream had accidentally thrown and ended pearl into a pillar and was falling. George ran over in game to try to help him but dream fell to his death.
Just George.
Stream had put on his mask and him and sapnap went behind George cheering him on together. The chat was mostly freaking out over Dream.
Another donation came through on George's stream.
"Hey George, Dream, and sapnap. Dream can you give George a kiss OwO?"
George laughed replying with.
"No and thanks for another dono yoshizstreamz."
"Oh cmon George let me give you a kiss!"
Dream said testing George and placing his hands on George's shoulders.
"No! I'm busy finishing your guys a job!"
"Does that imply you'll do it after you kill it?"
Sapnap was laughing in the background at the two bickering.
Dream whispered in his ear.
George grew red which his chat pointed out.
In his moment if distraction the Enders rag in had swooped bye George killing him.
"Awwww man we were doing good!"
Sapnap complained.
Dream shrugged it off.
The chat was begging for Dream to kiss George because of the dono.
"Guys dreams not going to do anything he's not comfortable with-"
Dream slightly lifted up his mask to give George a small kiss before quickly sliding it back down.
"But I will do what I am comfortable with!"
George just looked at Dream blushing as the chat EXPLODED. George's stream due to the being the only on with the face cam was #1 trending on twitch.
And the hashtag #Dreamkissedgeorge was #3 trending at this point. Dream and sapnap had gone back to their own seating arrangements. George's eyes just followed dream as he sat down before looking back to his stream. But he still was wondering.
Dream had kissed him?
902 words

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