~Chapter 5~Good Nightmare~

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They had decided what to do finally. After eating they talked for another hour or so before sapnap pointed out George sleeping on the table.
The two of them giggled to each other.
Dream assumed the Time zone change took a toll on him.
"I'll bring him to his room."
Dream stated.
"Wait wait hold on."
Sapnap got up and returned with a small gummy worm.
Dream was confused.
"Watch and Learn dream!"
Sapnap quietly went behind George and placed the gummy worm on his nose and then went back over to dream.
"Wait for it."
George was just there sleeping. Dream looked at sapnap but sapnap insisted dream kept looking at George. While waiting for what ever sapnap was hopping for Dream had never realized how peaceful George looked. He had only see pictures George sent him and his face cam on stream. But in person he was so much more-
George still asleep wiggled his nose slightly sapnap giggled a little.
Then George let out a small sneeze as the gummy worm fell of his nose onto the table.
Sapnap tried not to burst out laughing and leaned over to dreams ear and said.
"I learned that awhile ago when he came to my house. I don't know why but if you put something on his nose when he's sleeping he sneezes!"
Dream chuckled a little at sapnap now being the childish one. Dream stood up.
"Yeah yeah what ever it's cute- I'm going to take him to his room. I'll be right back."
While dream picked up George and carried him sapnap was talking behind him.
"Wait cute-"
Dream closed the door as he plopped George on his bed still stone cold asleep.
He was surprised that George had not woken up. But then again who knows.
Dream stood there for a moment just gazing upon George. He was jealous with how comfy he looked.
Dream went close to George's face. He was completely defenseless.
Well almost.
George still asleep reach his hand over dream causing him to fall into the bed next to him.
Dream was caught off guard and shocked until he realized George was still asleep.
Dream didn't move. He felt as if his life depended on it.
"Dream are you coming back-"
Sapnap walked in and covered his mouth trying to not giggle as he saw George holding onto dream while dream was stiff as a board and blushing.
"I. Cant. Move."
Dream quietly said while Sapnap was holding himself up bye putting his hand on the door frame.
"Pfft- your on your own sucker!"
Sapnap closed the door and Dream hears him break into a fit of unfiltered laughter.
Dream sighed as he slightly relaxed.
I mean George wasn't going to stab him, hopefully.
George wrapped his hands around dream as if he were a pillow.
Dream stiffened again.
He felt safe, comfortable. But to embrassed to admit it. But he couldn't wake up his sleeping friend.
Sapnaps laughter quieted down outside as he heard a click and a TV going on along with a microwave.
Dream relaxed again. The muffled TV, the calm breathing coming from George. He was happy to see his friends. And he hoped that they were happy to see him too.

George mumbled a little and then wrapped him legs around Dream.
Dream started quietly freaking out. He knew George HAD to be asleep there was no way he would do this.
Dream attempted to shuffle away slightly but George grabbed onto him tighter not letting him go.
Dream started to panic now. Not just because he was embrassed but also he would feel bad for George.
He didn't want George to feel uncomfortable.
They had always joked on stream that when they finally met up they would cuddle, but he didn't mean like this- he didn't think it meant anything at all.
Dream honestly felt like he was in a Dreamnotfound fanfic.
Dream kept thinking. Wether I was random, something non-pg, or other he was thinking until he slowly fell asleep.

685 words
I low key got embarrassment this chapter-

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