~Chapter 28~Vroom~

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After a little while of searching they had finally found George a plane ticket home. It was pretty soon. Kinda last minute but it was better then nothing. Dream honestly didn't want George to leave but he had to go home. So after getting the flight booked, dream drove George to the airport. It was a loud and talkative ride there. The two of the discussing how much fun the past few weeks had been.
Dream pulled up his car to the side of the road the two of them stepping out the car.
George held his bags in his hands grinning.
Dream gave a sad smile and waved him farewell.
George didn't wave back, instead he walked up to dream and gave him a tight hug.
"Next time you should fly down to see me!"
George practically shouted his words which echoed around them.
Dream placed his hand on George's back giving him a one handed hug.
"Maybe I will."
George smiled and backed up slightly from dream.
"Hey lean down a little bit."
Dream leaned his head slightly downward turning his head assuming George was gonna whisper something to him, instead George used his hands to turn dreams face looking directly at him and gave him a small kiss.
"There we are, good bye dream!"
George then grabbed his bags once more and walked away into the moving crowd of people vanishing like he was never there in the first place.
Dream was slightly stunned, he stood straight up his hand resting where George had kissed him. He was slightly dazed. It's like everything that had happened just hit him, directly in the face. His everything really did hit him in the face of you took thing literally.
He shook his head stepping back into his car driving home.
He was still in a daze while driving, he forgot to play and music and bye the time he got back he had only real died how quiet it was without George there.
He finally came home. It was so quiet. He got that feeling of your friend leaving after a sleepover and you just felt worn out and tired. But not in a bad way. Patches greeted him at the door before going off somewhere in the house on her own. Each step reminded him how quiet it became.
Sapnap >:P
Sapnap: Have fun ;)?

Dream opened his phone to respond to his message.

Dream: you did this on purpose didn't you.
Sapnap: WHAT!? Me? NOoOoO of course not
Dream: :P

Dream out his phone back in his pocket chucking at sapnaps sarcasm.
That was it.
George returned home.
Things were back to normal. Streaming, Minecraft. The only thing that was different was that him and George were now together.
And other then Sapnap who even he was going off a strong guess.

Nobody else knew.

Alright so, this is the end of this story BUT listen up. If anyone wants me to continue I will write another story which will be a continuation of this one if wanted.
This is my first time writing and finishing a story so let me know what you think, also I have another DNF story called dads cooking it's more of a horror Gore story but if you want more of my writing and are ok with that, check it out! Good bye for now :)

565 words

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