~Chapter 4~Cookies and Cream~

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Dream and George watched the car leave the driveway and drive off. They talked all the time on stream but it felt awkward for some reason.
"Sapnap said theres an Aquarium a few blocks down, he asked me earlier if we should go."
George looked at dream.
"Do you?"
Dream was put off bye the random question but replied none the less.
"Yeah I think that would be cool. "
The silence returned.
"Is there a fly in here?"
Dream cautiously asked.
"I guess so-"
There was a tiny black and yellow hornet on the counter behind them eyeing them down.
While dream stood still to not bother it George did what people said not to do and started to freak out.
"Pfft are you afraid of bees?"
Dream asked giggling a little.
Dream started laughing at George as the hornet just sat there deciding who she wanted to harm.
"HAHAHH George calm down it won't sting-"
It stung dream.
Dream smacked the hornet killing it. The hornet dropped to the floor his stinger leaving dreams skin. It appeared it hadn't used all of its stings yet thankfully.
Dream and George both let out a sigh as the beast was killed.
Dream rubbed his neck where a little red dot was forming from the sting.
It hurt a little but not too bad thankfully.
While George's panic shifted to where dream got stung, dream started laughing at George again. George was shaking dream telling him to stop laughing and if we ok. Dream continued to wheeze as George walked to another spot in the kitchen opening a cupboard grabbing something small.
Dream sat down and smacked his hand on the counter still laughing.
George said angrily now standing behind dream.
Dream turned trying to stop laughing.
"Pffft- yes?"
George put a A small bandaid over the sting spot.
George said crossing his arms triumphal.
"Awww Gogy was worried about me!"
George got mad again.
"No I was just-"
Dream started laughing again and kept repeating
"You care about me~"
Dream somehow not suffocating himself with laugher stood up and hugged George.
"George cares about me! George cares about me!"
"Dream let me go!"
George struggling to break free soon gave up due to dream having strength and size advantage over him.
George attempted to cover his face all flustered.

Bye the Time Sapnap had come back Dream had let George go and was dancing around the kitchen still shouting the George cares about him while George was now the one sitting down still flustered.

"What did I miss."
Sapnap said placing down all the food on the counter.
"Dream got stung bye a Hornet- I gave him a bandaid. Abs heys been chanting that ever sense-"
Sapnap snorted at Dreams childish behavior and George's discontentment.
Sapnap snapped his fingers getting Dream and George's attention.
"Yeah yeah George loVeEeS you now come on good time!"
"Sapnap I do not-"
Sapnap gave everyone the food they had asked for and they all sat down to start eating. Dream had stopped laughing and George cooled down.
Instead they had gone to a conversation regarding what they would do the next day.
Sapnap had brought up the aquarium once more, George had mention a small lake wear people could go to swim, and dream was just listening.
"The lake would be nice but don't we have a pool on our back yard?"
Sapnap and George nodded.
"True- but it's a lake with like- fish and stuff."
Sapnap chimed in.
"We have about a week- we have time to do multiple things guys."
They kept chatting until they all agreed that the Aquarium would be a problem if people ended up recognizing George or Sapnap. And nobody really knew them from the neck below so they decided the next day they would go swim at the lake.
Even though they had a pool at home-
663 Words

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