~Chapter 14~Main Characters~

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"Nah I'm good."
Dream pulls it tighter as he laughs at geogre muffled scream.
George leans forward slightly through the little opening in his hoodie, he uses his younger to grab the hoodie string from Dream and partially frees himself with the other side still tighten. He spits out the string and sticks his tounge out at dream.
Dream in response also sticks his tounge out.
Geogre stiffens his face trying to looks more angery but that soon fades as Dream pokes George's younger with his finger causing geogre to keep screaming at dream.
"Haha I got you!"
He shouted pointing his finger at geogre almost touching his nose.
"No fair! You can move your arms!"
Dream started dancing his finger up and down on George's nose aggravating him more. He found it quite funny that geogre would seem to blush more every time he did something.
Dream slowly moved his finger up George's nose to the brided part inbetween his eyes giggling his finger up and down. When dream was a kid his friends would do it to mess with him. It felt like someone was tickling your brain.
Geogre got embrassed.
"Hey! Hey dream! Stop that!"
"Why should I hmmm?"
Geogre giggled looking dream directly in the eye.
"It feels weird."
Dream giggled and commented.
"I'm just tickling your brain."
Geogre grunted.
"No your putting your finger on my nose."
"Same thing right?"
"No, now stop that!"
Geogre tried to shake his head out Dream pressed his finger keeping it on there.
After geogre had stopped shaking his head he used to fingers to make a little waking person as if they were walking in place of his nose.
"Why are tou doing this-"
"It's funny."
"No it's not!"
"Well I think it is."
Though geogre kept shouting that it tickled and was annoying, there was a part of him that felt comfortable? He just wanted to stay like that but was too embrassed to accept how he felt regarding it.
Geogre realized asking him to stop would be useless so he just sat there eyes closed blushing from embrassment while dream kept wiggling his fingers across the bridge of his nose.
"Finally gave up?"
Geogre opened his eyes that had been strained form being forced closed.
"Yeah what ever..."
Dream made his finger person start to walk across George's face going from his nose to his forehead and around past his chin exploring as if it were a character from a video game. With each step the finger person took dream made a verbal "doot!".
Geogre had a good idea, as the finger person started to walked back up to his nose from his chin geogre took the chance and bit his finger causing dream to flinch.
"Hey I thought you gave up!"
"Not as clever as you thought now did you?"
Dream shook his finger and had it continue its path avoiding George's mouth.
Geogre let Dream have his fun even though it was at his prides expense. Dream finally stopped and rested his head into the crook of geogre neck.
"Are you finally done?"
"For now."
Geogre could feel Dreams breath scatter across his neck, he could feel Dreams neck move when he swallowed or talked. It kinda spooked him.
"So how much longer do you think we are gonna be in here? I left the chips on the bench"
Dream attempted to shrug.
"I dunno. Until sapnap wounder s where we went and calls security or something."
"But he didn't read your message?"
"He's going to do it in his own eventually."
Geogre thought and agreed with Dreams statement.
"Yeah I guess so, so uhh, other than this did you enjoy the aquarium?"
Dream internally snickered at George's attempt to make small talk with him.
"Yeah I guess, I liked the big tunnel we walked through to get to the other exhibit."
"Yeah- the stingrays kinda scared me-"
Dream laughed.
"Why did you think they would scream at you?"
"Not they just look weird!"
Dream kept laughing and George attempted to kick him forgetting that for the most part he was immobilized.
Dream felt George's leg move slightly causing him to shiver bringing his mind back down to earth from laughing.
"Oh yeah your underneath me."
George blushed.
"You just realized that!?"
"Nah, just took notice of it."
"That's the same thing!"
"Dream!? George!? You guys in there!"
It was Sapnap shouting form outside.
Dream sat up as much as he could shouting back.
"Yeah! Can you open the door?"
There was some quieter mumbling before a small click was heard and the door flew open.
Sapnap was stood next to a short lady who appeared to be a security guard.
The lady nodded to sapnap and walked off.
Dream climbed off of George and sapnap helped the two up.
"Finally I found you guys! What on earth were you doing in there!?"
Dream tried to explain but had small snorts every time he tried to.
"Long story short I dropped something, went to get it, got locked in."
George said bugging Dream to tell him to stop laughing.
"It's been a few hours! This place is closing for the day."
Dream stopped laughing and look confused.
"Yeah! I saw you message me but you didn't respond when I tried to call you. I've been try to find you everywhere until I hear laughter from this room sounding like and angry British child and you dream."
Dream giggled at the comment regarding George.
After a bit more explaining the three of them had made it back to the house ordering Pizza on the way home.
They had gotten home and Dream plugged his phone in.
"Sorry about that sapnap-"
"Yeah yeah apology accepted, you missed the otters! They were hugging and stuff so sucks for you!"

George was checking his phone for any cracks while he over heard Dream say to sapnap.
"I don't care, George is cuter then an otter anyway!"
"I dunno! The otters were pretty cute."
George grunted at them going back and forth about him and the otters.
1024 words
Words go brrrr

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