~Chapter 18~Airplane~

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The next few days flew bye. Before them two to them knew it they were both at their terminals saying their goodbyes. George gave Dream a hug as Dream watched him walk of afterwards to his plane terminal vanishing into the oncoming crowd. Dream gave a sad sigh and made his way to his terminal. So he and George were now dating? That words echoed in his head like a Spotify playlist set on loop. The word alone made his giggly but knowing that it was him and George. Though sad to see him leave he smiled to himself. He was happy. He chuckled to himself knowing that if Twitter found out about this, or anyone who viewed there content found out. It was be chaotic to say the least.
After hopping onto his plane he found himself day dreaming about him and George. Making each word, each movement, everything as real as he could. The bounce of the plane landing snapped him out of it. He hasn't realized that was the entire flight already.
Before he knew it he was home.
Bye himself, with patches of course after the neighbors had dropped her off.
Power slithering through the walls after returning. Dream didn't bother to unpack his items. He let them spread out among his floor silently wishing they would pick up themselves.
It was over.
It was over?
Why was it so quick.
It could of lasted longer.
He could of been with the two of them.
And also longer with George.
Dreams phone buzzed dragging him away from his wandering thoughts. He sat up patches leaving the run on her own as Dream opened up his phone.
Sapnap: so you and George, are you guys dating yet?

Those words that remained unsaid but laid out across the screen still bounced back and forth in dreams head.

Dream: what are you talking about?
Sapnap: come on, it obvious you guys act like each other. Are you dating now or what dumbass?

Dream looked at his phone before setting it down followed bye lots of buzzing and missed calls from sapnap.
Of corse sapnap would know. He wasn't an idiot.
Dream laid back. He got used to the time zone change in Arizona but he was all messed up again. His eyes left the light surrounding him leaving his to sleep.  The last thought leaving his mind being George.

He quickly opened his eyes. But somewhere else.
He was in a wide bed white hotel colored sheets. And next to him was, George?
He assumed this was some kind of lucid dream aware that it sadly wasn't real. Though it did feel like it.
He was surrounded bye a decent sized room, plants sprinkled from the walls growing in from outside.
What was this?
He carefully got up and looked outside. Are lucid dreams supposed to look this real?
The room appeared to lead outside into a normal sidewalk. People walking, cars driving.
Where exactly was this?
He heard a shuffling behind him.
Dream quickly turned around but found himself sit up. He was back in his room shocked awake patches laying at the foot of his bed.
He rolled his hand through his hair falling back down on his bed letting out a sigh. It hadn't been a day and he already missed George.
Patches walked up from his feet to dreams face gently putting her paw on his nose.
Dream lightly pushed her off.
"Fine fine I'll get you some food."
He stood up stretching his arms. He walked being followed bye looks of snaps from his knees and elbows. Making his way to the kitchen he picked up patches bowl tossing it on the counter. He grabbed cat food from the cupboard above. He plopped the disgusting lump of cat food into the bowl setting it back on the floor for patches who neatly ate it up.
Dream leaned on the counter watching her. He was back home. He wanted to get his mind away from constant thinking so after she had finished he went to his room opening up his laptop to stream.
700 words

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