~Chapter 24~I wont say no~

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"D-Dream can you...."
"What George?"
George gave a shaky breath.
"That uhh, t-tickles?"
Dream gave a genuine giggled at George.
"Then why aren't you laughing till the point of begging me to stop?"
"I uh-"
Dream again giggled, this time at George's loss for words.
"Answer me George."
"I..don't know?"
Dream wasent sure what he was doing in that moment. It was like his body moved on its own when the hands previously touching George's face and back were now carefully removing his shirt and hoodie.
Him George and sapnap had all gone to the beach together of course but getting a good look at it all to himself, he felt kind of bad for some reason looking at him.
George moved his hands off of Dreams neck to above his head resting on the arm of the couch. It made it easier for Dream to remove his top.
"Hehe your pretty."
Dream said tossing George's shirt and hoodie to the ground before getting closer to George's chest tracing the outline of his rib cage and other parts of the body that stuck out form the inside with his finger. Just like when touching his back George let out little quivers.
"And very soft."
George have a awkward laugh and commented,
"S-shut up."
Before going back to quiet quivers and short breaths.
Dream thought it was funny what George had said to him. Anyway, Dream had assumed what George was comfortable with at this point but just in case...
"George, if you uncomfortable and want to stop just say red, ok?"
George slightly arched his back and nodded.
Dream slowly slide his hands from George's shoulder all the way down and back up. George was a lot smaller compared to him so his hands covered George's entire body it felt like.
Dream moved his face to George's collar bone leaving a trail oh sun kisses and hickeys along his bare skin.
Half way down Dream gazed at the small faded pink-ish, brown-ish circles with one on each of George's chest. They looked very soft. Dream moved his trail to the left of George's chest plopping his mouth on top of George's left nipples causing a reaction out of George.
He sucked on it as if his life had led up to this moment. To please George? Maybe. It was indeed very soft like the rest of his body. Really the same thing as George, small, cute, and always blushing.
Dream internally laughed at his own comment before counting his trail of destruction along heights body. With a quick pop Dream let go out George's left nipple moving to his right. The one of the left was left as more of a reddish pink now coated with a shiny layer of saliva bringing the sight all together. Dream repeated similar actions once again reaches the other island on George's body. He grabbed the other one, quivers from the cold air, with his hands pressing it down lightly.
George's volume grew in size at the more feeling that spread throughout his body. His toes curled, mouth slightly open, eyes opening and closing, hands gripping onto what ever he held behind him. His back arched unconsciously. It was good. Really, really, good.
Another pop and dreams tongue traveled throughout George's body once again as if he were looking for something. It wasn't to late until he found it.

Words 598
Sorry if I suck at writing smut- I haven't done it before.. Tips in the comments would be appreciated if you don't like the smut.

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