New Job

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Angelus' POV
San Diego - May 1986

As I drew a picture of my 2 sleeping girls - Faith in her crib and Bobbi (as I had convinced Darla to shorten her name to) in her Moses basket - I pondered a thought that had been rattling around my head 'Would they ever be safe?' The 4 of us couldn't hide out and survive here forever, we'd run out of money eventually (even with Spike and Dru sending us a share of whatever they'd picked up on their travels and conquests). It was then that I decided to talk to Darla about something I had been keeping from her.

I found my beautiful, resilient wife in the kitchen unpacking boxes "Hey! You're not supposed to be lifting things." I scolded her taking away the box she was currently on. "They're not heavy." She defended.

"Come 'ere for a second." I said dragging her to the couch "Do you remember a few months ago when I went to D.C. for a mission?" Darla nodded. "Well, I thought I almost ran into some trouble."
"Why didn't you say earlier?" Darla interrupted always quick to jump to the worst scenario. "Shh, because it wasn't trouble. They offered me a job."
"The Navy SEALS - apparently they're having some trouble with a target - who we've just so happened to run into before. They think I can get to him."
"What, like undercover?"
"I guess so."
"What's to stop them arresting you once it's over?"
"That's not the only person I can help them get to."
"You'd sell out people in our world?"
"Well, I was planning on selling out the ones that pose a threat to us first. That's why I'm doing this," I said pulling out the picture I'd drawn "for us, for them. Hell! Even for Spike and Dru. For our entire family."
"Then there's 2 groups going after our enemies."
"Mmm hmm."
"Spike'll kill you."
"He can try."

A few months later I was due to head out for Navy SEAL mission but I was trying to get Bobbi to crawl first, not wanting to miss it.

(A/n: Jason = Angelus, Alana = Darla, Emma = Bobbi)

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