Job to Life

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Bobbi's POV

After around a year I think we all finally began to trust S.H.I.E.L.D. and find our feet in the large organisation. I'm not going to lie being handpicked by Director Fury did put us on a fast track up the food chain. We became known as STRIKE Team Beta. They had tried to name us Bravo but I vetoed it because my Dad's SEAL Team is Bravo. According to Cisco, the tech genius, inventor and codenamer of things, we had to use the letter B for our team name because we were all blonde.

I remember how happy my 3 superiors were when I decided to stick around. Afterwards, Maria took me to Cisco's lab to get an official tactical suit "Black or blue?" He asked.
"Black, definitely black." I responded it was practically my family's colour. It was then that Cisco gave me a present. He had noticed my preference for fighting with weapons and developed a prototype of batons specially for me.

However, it was not all good, when I told my family that I enjoyed working with S.H.I.E.L.D. and wanted to stay in D.C. long term - they were not happy, my mom and dad tried to pretend they were, but Faith and Spike didn't bother hiding their disdain. There were also a few issues with my friends in the criminal world, particularly with the Norwegian mafia twins. Just like my dad done with the SEALs I first targeted people who could also be a problem or danger to my and my family rather than just to S.H.I.E.L.D.; this did not go over well with my friends:

Flashback 10 months ago

"Explain it to me again." Rebekah demanded.
"I'm working as a liaison to S.H.I.E.L.D. in order to protect myself, apparently a lot of my parents' enemies are looking for me."
"Right. I get that, it's the part about helping other people I'm not understanding."
"Well if I manage to kill someone who wants to kill me personally and destroy the entire world with a nuclear bomb as well, it's a win win."

To be fair I probably shouldn't have killed one of their weapons suppliers, I knew that would piss them off:

Flashback 6 months ago

"What the bloody hell do you think you're doing?"
"Kol, listen to me."
"He was going to double cross you!"
"The only person who has double crossed me is you!"
"Oh come on, I'll make it up to you at your birthday party next week. I promise you, you'll love your present."
"Consider yourself uninvited."
"What? Kol, you're not serious."
"It's for your own good. I've heard some rumours from others regarding your little side job - nobody trusts you anymore, darling."
"Do you?"
"Well I haven't killed you over your assassination of my weapons dealer yet, doesn't that say enough."
"See you around psycho."
"Not too often I hope - can't have people thinking I'm working with you. Goodbye agent."
"Not an agent."
"Might as well be."

So thankfully, I hadn't entirely lost my oldest friends but it did become more difficult to see them along with my own family and other friends as I couldn't be seen in the criminal world for fear of being branded a traitor by the intelligence world or killed for my actions by someone not as understanding as my family and friends. Therefore, I had rely on my colleagues at S.H.I.E.L.D. more.

Oh yes, I had built up quite a list of my own list of enemies already to add to the ones who were threats to my entire family.

It was during one of those situations I met my favourite person I had ever met in her entire organisation, Dr. Spencer Reid, a genius kid who Fury had assigned to my case when I pissed off a particularly insane psychopath.

Apparently, I had inherited my parents' way with words, earning me the codename Mockingbird.

My teammates and I grew closer over time. Jace and I always kept that east coast vs west coast banter. Whereas, Clint and I had more of a flirty relationship and even dated for a while before Fury informed us of Rule 12 - never date a co-worker.

(A/n: Director Shepard = Maria Hill, Gibbs = Coulson, McGee = Jace, Tony = Clint, Ziva = Bobbi).

Over the years our team changed and grew. Fury started a whole division based on Jace's skill set, the Special Weapons Division, he tried to put Jace in charge of it, but the boy was a soldier at heart, not a leader. So Jace appointed a friend he had made at S.H.I.E.L.D. to lead it, Agent Alexander 'Alec' Lightwood, with Jace and Alec's younger sister Isabelle (Izzy) as joint second in command. Together they were known as STRIKE Team Sierra.

Together Barton and I became known as STRIKE Team Echo due to our bird themed call signs.

One day Fury sent Barton out on a mission and four weeks later he returned with his target alive, rather than dead as Fury had requested. That target was Natalia Alianova Romanova professionally known as the Black Widow and raised in a KGB red room.

Clint somehow managed to convince Fury to let her join S.H.I.E.L.D. the director seemed to have a soft spot for recruiting messed up dangerous young adults.

(A/n: McGee = Bobbi, Ziva = Natasha, Tony = Clint, Gibbs = Coulson)

After seeing how S.H.I.E.L.D. helped the world in general and my friends personally, as well as feeling like I had a purpose in life other than to just be the daughter of the 1st and 3rd most notorious killers in the world, I decide to become a full time agent.

(A/n: Vance = Fury, Gibbs = Coulson, Ziva = Bobbi, Tony = Jace, McGee = Clint)

(A/n: Ziva = Bobbi, Tony = Jace, McGee = Clint, Gibbs = Fury)

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