Heading Out

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3rd Person POV

Weeks after the defence conference Hunter and Bobbi hadn't spoken to each other despite however many times they both opened their phones and thought about calling the other. Hunter, especially, was still mad about the events.

One day, Bobbi was called to Fury's office and was sitting outside waiting for her boss to let her in when she heard a familiar voice. "Hey Cali! I haven't seen you in ages." Jace called as he walked out of the elevator "I heard Fury put you on the defence conference. I avoided that like the plague considering most of them, if not all of them have tried to hire me at some point."
"Yeah..." She said dejectedly just thinking about the events again.
"I also heard a few extra details about it..." Jace added more quietly.
"Really?" Bobbi asked surprised and scared.
"Yeah, but it was from Barton. Don't worry, the whole building doesn't know." Jace assured.
"Ok, that's not so bad. I may need to kill Barton though. Wait, what are you doing here?" Bobbi relaxed before becoming confused at Jace's presence.
"Not sure - Fury told me to come to his office at 2. What are you doing here?"
"Fury told me to come to his office at 2." Realising they had been set up Bobbi stood up and they both banged on the door "Boss!!"
Soon enough the door opened to reveal Fury "Bobbi, Jace, thank you for coming. No time to give details, grab your long-term go bags and meet me in Hangar 1. I need to go speak to Reid before we leave." He instructed quickly.
"I presume that means we have a mission..." Bobbi filled in as they scurried to keep up with their boss who was heading for the elevator.
"And you're coming with us? You never do anything." Jace questioned causing Fury head-slap him "Ok, got it. Say bye to Reid for us. We'll meet you in Hangar 1."
"Mm hmm." Fury sounded as the elevator doors closed.

"This is weird right?" Bobbi asked the older blonde.
"Oh yeah." Jace agreed.
"Wonder where we're going?"
"And why he's being so secretive and in such a rush."
"I'll ask Coulson." Bobbi said.
"I'll ask Hill."

Unfortunately, neither of the blonde agents got a response from their superiors but only because they didn't know either.

The plane ride was quite a quiet one as Bobbi and Jace were huddled near the back still trying to figure out what was going on and where they were going. Whilst Fury was over at the monitors they heard him mutter "Look at the mess I've got to clean up."

"That's Rule 45. Clean up your mess." Jace remembered before he lost his patience and got up asking Fury where they were going.
The Director sighed knowing Jace wasn't going to like the answer "Afghanistan." And he was right. Jace lost it at Fury for breaking their original deal from when he joined. Bobbi had jumped up to try and hold the super soldier back from killing their boss. "Why?" She asked.
"We are going to help the SAS." Fury replied now preparing for Bobbi to become the angry one.
"The SAS? Why, I thought we were done with them?" She questioned confused more than angry.
"No unfortunately not. Now it's our turn to apologise to them. And this is how they chose for us to repay them."
"Please tell me it's a different team." Bobbi begged.
"I don't actually know." Fury admitted causing Bobbi to sit back down slightly massaging her head. "I do know that they asked for you and I specifically because we were the ones who betrayed them. And then, Jace, because he's... well Jace."
"And you're so interested in playing politics that you completely ignored my one rule for working with S.H.I.E.L.D." Jace exploded again.

'Yeah, this is going to be a long mission.' Fury thought and could only hope that he didn't alienate his favourite agents by the end of it.

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