Friend or Foe

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Bobbi's POV
UCLA - Coffee Shop
A/n: Bobbi's thoughts are in italics

The pirate directed me to the nearby campus coffee house and his soldiers cleared out the few people left in it this late at night as well as the barista - definitely military or government. Riley tried to stay but I loudly objected and surprisingly, so did the pirate.

"How do you take your coffee, Bobbi? You don't mind me calling you Bobbi, do you? It seems awfully personal considering we just met; but I know how much you hate your fake surname, and I wouldn't want to put you in any danger by using your real one so loudly."
"1 shot of caramel. No poison. As for the name thing, I don't care what you call me, as long as you tell me how you know it in the first place."
"Ugh, you're just trying to make me work. And I'm not here to poison you, you and I are not enemies. I'll explain everything, I promise."
"You know my name, do I get to know yours or shall I just keep calling you 'pirate'?"
"Hahaha! Nicholas J. Fury, is my name."
"Doesn't ring a bell. You don't happen to be someone who tried to kill me when I was a baby?"
"No, in fact I'm pretty sure we took out some of the threats to you and your siblings."

Upon him saying that, I decided to give the pirate - Nicholas - a chance. I sat down at a table in front of the counter and waited for him to bring our drinks over.

"I am the Director of an espionage, special law enforcement, and counter-terrorism agency, called S.H.I.E.L.D. which stands for Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division." He said as he sat down. I racked my brain trying to think of if I'd heard of it before and came up empty handed. "I know about the deal your Dad has with the SEALs I'd like to offer you a similar one with S.H.I.E.L.D." Well there's a career option.
"It's a big, bad world out there - I think you'd be safer with us and that you could help us make the world safer." Something occurred to me "If you're asking me to turn on my family..." I threatened.
"No, no, no, I know there are many people and government agencies who believe your family are the villains, but you and I both know it depends on whose telling the story." I nodded in agreement.

"So, how do you know who I am?"
"Well, besides being the Director of an international intelligence agency." He said with a smile "Everyone in the crime and intelligence world knows that Angelus and Darla had 3 children and that you inherited their enemies, for no good reason or fault of your own; you have a lot of people looking for you, I just happened to find you first. Plus, you look like your parents and from what I saw you fight like them too."

"What about your friends outside? Do they know?"
"No. I'm the only one in S.H.I.E.L.D. who does. I have agents undercover at many universities looking for the smartest students to bring into our science division. You're the first fighter I've found at a university."

"So, Riley?"
"Was undercover - once Professor Walsh gave me the list of potential candidates and you caught my eye - I asked him to get closer to you." I fixed a steely glare onto Nicholas, who laughed nervously "Heh heh. I didn't tell him to date you, sleep with you or fall in love with you - perhaps he did those things to accomplish his mission or perhaps he just did them because he wanted to. I'll leave you to deal with him however you see fit."
"Ha. I'm almost starting to like you."

He gave me a card "Have a think. Call me if you decide you want in on the good fight."

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