School Time

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3rd Person POV

Realising they may have made a mistake by exposing their children to the full extent of their work Angelus and Darla decided to try to bring some normalcy to their other children's lives. And so, they essentially bought the small town of Sunnydale, California for their children to reside and go to school in.

They had Giles and Wesley go undercover in the high school Bobbi was attending whilst Darla somehow managed to integrate herself into Connor's school.

In this time, Angelus had also developed a new nickname 'Angel' as some people believed he had gone soft and they found out he'd been killing a lot more of their kind. Unfortunately, due to this, his Navy SEAL duties and checking in on Faith every so often meant that he was away from their new home a lot. However, he always returned when there was any threat of danger to Darla, Bobbi or Connor.

Whilst in high school, Bobbi was the stereotypical 'it' girl befriending the other 2 richest girls in school, Cordelia Chase and Harmony Kendall. However, unlike her friends Bobbi was very intelligent so she also befriended a girl called Willow Rosenberg, who was the school's resident genius.

In sophomore year, Cordelia and Willow found out about Bobbi's real identity and promised to keep it a secret - Bobbi tried to push them away since she knew that it could put them in danger. And 2 years later she was proved right when Cordelia was shot in the stomach by a terrible sniper who was aiming for Bobbi. Luckily, Spike was around when it happened and noticed the bastard fleeing the scene and chased and gunned him down.

In junior year, Spike, Drusilla and Faith returned and all was good in the Kelly family household again; Faith had even calmed down. Unfortunately during Bobbi's senior year, she and Faith were out in town one night when they where attacked by enemies of their family. The girls managed to fight them off and were on their way home when a regular civilian man was also hiding in the alley - the girls presumed he was with the others and Bobbi threw him to the ground first before realising that he was dressed in civilian clothes unlike their previous attackers. However, Faith was still acting on instinct and trying to protect herself and her sister - stabbed the man in the heart.

Although she had been with Spike and Drusilla learning the family business, that was the first innocent human life she had taken and seemed to be completely unfazed about it. Bobbi, on the hand, couldn't get over what her sister had done and tried to get Faith to realise what she had done was wrong - which led to many verbal and physical arguments between the 2 sisters. Angel agreed that Faith needed to talk about what happened instead of bottling up whatever she was feeling, but did not condone his eldest daughter for acting on instinct and protecting herself and Bobbi - even if the threat wasn't actually a threat.

Faith's behaviour spiralled out of control worse than in Boston; as she did indeed feel guilty about what she had done but decided to accept her fate as the daughter of the 1st and 3rd most notorious killers in the world.

Bobbi was also aware of this innate darkness inside of her and her siblings but she tried to deny it. Faith had noticed this and tried to draw it out of her younger sister.

Of course, as always, they were attacked. The leader of the gang who attacked them was chocking Bobbi when Faith came up behind him and killed him, thus saving her sister. However, this did not stop Faith's criminal and sociopathic actions.

As the police began to look for Faith, figuring out she was responsible for Sunnydale's latest crime spree; Angel and Darla moved her into an apartment of her own in order to keep her safe from the law. The night before her high school graduation, Bobbi went round to try to talk to and help her confused sister again but Faith was not in the mood for talking and goaded her baby sister into a fight.

It was a battle between Bobbi's disciplined training and her will to stop her sister and Faith's free spirited personality and unpredictable nature. That fight was the biggest showdown in the family since Angelus and Spike's last fight from their early years of working together, when they used to butt heads (more often than they do now). Immediately after Faith jumped off the balcony, Bobbi phoned her Dad, absolutely horrified at what she had done:

"Bobbi? BOBBI?"
"*sniffling* Daddy!"
"What's wrong baby girl? Talk to me!"
"I went to see Faith, which she wasn't pleased about - we got into a fight... she tried to throw me off the balcony... then I stabbed her *breaks down*"
"What? Stay there! Both of you!"
"No, there's more. She punched me, knocking me back down... then she jumped off the balcony onto a truck that was passing by."

The other Kelly members were straining themselves to listen into Angelus' conversation when they heard him talking to Bobbi.

"Bobbi stay there. Your Mom and I will come get you."
"Faith!" She protested.
"I'm going to send Spike to look for her now. Once we bring you back, I'll go out and join him. It's gonna be fine BB."

"Angelus, what's going on?" Darla asked full of worry for her daughters. "I'll explain on the way. Dru! Watch Connor. Come on!" He said to Darla and Spike.

Outside of the house, Angelus told Spike to drive around and look for a truck - explaining that Faith was in the back of it, bleeding out. In the car he explained to Darla that they were going to pick up their distraught daughter.

When they reached Faith's apartment, they noticed the damage that had been caused during the fight and began calling out Bobbi's name. The girl in question was sitting on her knees on the balcony replaying the previous scene over and over again. "Angel!" Darla called when she saw her, her husband emerged from the other rooms he was checking and joined them outside. Darla had already moved to hold her baby girl and began rocking her. Angel also hugged Bobbi before picking her up, as he recognised the look in her eyes of someone who was haunted by what they had done "Come on, we gotta go." He told Darla.

After dropping Bobbi and Darla back home, Angelus called his brother to see if he had found anything. Fortunately, the truck carrying Faith hadn't gotten far, especially with the speed Spike drives at. He picked her up and took her to the nearest private hospital, where they could pay off the staff to not report her to the police. Angel quickly joined his brother at the hospital where the doctors told him that Faith had lost a fair amount of blood and would be comatose for a while.

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