Family Meeting

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3rd Person POV
Caritas - Los Angeles

Whilst Bobbi's parents were interrogating her potential new boss, Cordelia had insisted on taking her and Harmony out to Caritas. Lindsey and Gunn had elected to come along with them, saying that they would introduce Bobbi to the owner - Lorne, their latest ally and a psychic - but due to her 18 years of life experience in the Kelly family, Bobbi knew that they were actually coming as security for her.

Whilst at the bar they discovered that Harmony should really reconsider the name 'Harmony', and that thankfully Bobbi took after her mother in the singing department.

After her performance Lorne had told Bobbi that she was about to reach a crossroad in her life where she had to decide if she was on the side of good or evil, the Powers That Be weren't going to be able to make the decision for her, it had to be her.

Angel, Darla, Lilah and Wesley arrived whilst Lindsey was successfully stalling the girls from leaving which everyone (except Angelus) had good things to say about.

"Hey girls, sorry to interrupt." Angel said addressing all of them "Family meeting, c'mon." He said to Bobbi. She quickly said goodbye to her friends and left with her parents, Wesley and L&L.

Hyperion Hotel

Once home, Angelus and Darla ran upstairs and rounded up their other children, Spike and Drusilla. Lounging on one of the couches in the lobby Spike complained "The last late night family meeting we had, you 2 announced you were sending Baby B off to university alone. What is it now?"

Angelus and Darla nodded at Bobbi to begin. "One week ago I was tracked down and attacked on campus grounds by tactical members of an organisation called S.H.I.E.L.D., their director, Nicholas J. Fury wanted to speak to me. He offered me a job, similar to how the Navy SEALs offered Dad a job." Nobody seemed very impressed by this news, least of all Faith and Spike.
"After Bobbi told us, I asked Lilah and Lindsey to look into S.H.I.E.L.D. and Darla and I set up a meeting with Director Fury - which was tonight."

"Wait what?" Bobbi asked, her parents did not tell her that part.
"I presume he's dead." Spike commented.

"No, he kept his word on our meeting agreement and told us everything we wanted to know." Spike scoffed "You're getting soft in your old age, Liam." Around a decade ago, Angelus would've tortured and killed anyone who had information concerning his family.
Unimpressed with his brother's comments, Angelus glared at him him and stated "It's called being diplomatic. Plus, I think people might've noticed if the Director of a super secret agency never appeared again." As everyone took in what Angelus said and realised he was right, he commented "You always were a bit slow Willy." in an effort to piss Spike off; to which he was successful. Wesley noticed this and stopped the 2 brothers from nearing each other, pushing them back to their respective partners "Ok! So we've established that Angelus hasn't lost his mean streak." Darla smirked and opened an arm for him to slot back beside her, leaning against the reception desk, whilst Wesley continued "What did you and Director Fury discuss?"
"We went over what he discussed with Bobbi - he's not a threat to us and has actually been an unintentional ally in the past."
"And?" Spike questioned.
"And what?"
"That's all you discussed?"
"Essentially, yes." Angel wasn't going to tell them everything.

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