song based imagine(Driver's License)

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Warning this may be a little sad😂So if you guys want me to update a happier story after this I will. So yall no cap the first person that came to mind was Bryce Hall because I thought about Addison being the blonde. So no hate to Addison or Bryce this is just the first idea that popped in my head.

And you're probably with that blonde girl.

Who always made me doubt

       Bryce and I haven't been on the best page lately. We have been arguing a lot more. Most of the arguments started about Addison. He's been seeing her a lot and calling her too. He says its only for content and they are really good friends, but I couldn't help but feel worried.  And these would get pretty heated considering Bryce's temper. 

       I haven't seen Bryce in a few days ever since our last argument. After I seen a snap of him on the couch with Addison I immediately called my best friend Kylee. (Yep I'm best friend in this because I'm ready to ride lol) "Hey boo whats up.",Kylee says answering the phone. "Hey.",I say with a monotone voice. 

    "Who I'm jacking up?",Kylee says as her tone gets serious. I couldn't help but giggle at her protectiveness. "Is it Bryce again?",Kylee says as I hear shuffling and car keys. "Yea..He's with her again.",I say voice cracking. I hear a car start and Kylee say,"I'm on my way. Give me 30 minutes."  "Ky you live an hour from my house?",I say in confusion. "Mind ya business Y/N/N(your nickname).",Kylee says. "My bad then speed racer.",I say shaking my head. "Bye love you.",I finish. "Bye bye love you more.",Kylee says before hanging up.

                                                                         30 MINUTES LATER

      I wake up to hearing rapid knocks on the door. Jumping up to answer the door I hit my toe. "For the love of..ughhh.",I say now limping to the door. I open to the door to see Kylee standing there with 6 full bags. "Ky..really?',I say shaking my head. "Yes really now come on talk to me.",she says walking in. I explain everything that been going on. "Y/N/N he not even that cute he can't be cheating on nobody.",Kylee says opening a pack of gummy worms. I look over at her with a "Really" look on my face. "Sorry it had to be said",she finishes with her hands in up. I laugh and push her. 

      "So lets take your mind off of it and lets watch some movies.",she says hopping back on the couch with two blankets. "You're the best. You know that.",I say hugging her. "Of course that's what I'm here for.",She says while rubbing my back. We watch a lot of old disney movies and then go to NETFLIX and watch Bridgerton. "Simon can have anything from me,",Kylee says. "Ain't that the truth.",I say giving her a fist bump. 

      Some one knocks at the door and Kylee gets up to go get it. "I hear the door open and a loud smack right after. I jump up from the couch run to the door and see Bryce standing there holding his cheek with Kylee shaking her hand. "Kylee!",I say with shock. "Sorry I couldn't help it. I opened the door and his stupid face was there and I took the chance.",she says shrugging her shoulders. I shake my head. 

"Y/N can we talk?",Bryce says still rubbing his now red cheek. "There is nothing to talk about Bryce.",I say. "You're cheating on me and thats all there is too say. Bryce I can't believe you. Please just leave till I get my head on straight. I refuse to be deemed as the crazy ghetto girl..ex girlfriend over something you did.",I say as Kylee pushes him out the door. "Please..just go.",I say getting choked up. "Y/N...I'm s-.",he tries to say before Kylee slams the door. "Ky."I say before bursting into tears. "Hey Hey its ok beautiful its ok."she says rocking me back and forth.

"I knew it. I knew it was too good to be true. Addison is so pretty. And.. And I'm- Just as good.", I say but Kylee interrupts me. "Hey he didn't deserve you anyway if he thought that it was remotely ok to treat you this way. He better be glad the only thing I did was smack him.",Kylee says. She stands up and holds her hand out. "Me and you are going out tonight. We don't chase we replace.",she says with wink as I grab her hand. 

Should I do a Part 2? I kinda like the way this story is going lol. Another update after this one.