chris daniels

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Chris has been acting really strange for the past few weeks. Every time we've seen a baby or kid in public Chris starts waving or making silly faces to make the baby giggle. Even when we go to Target he practically drags me to the baby sections to look at clothes and toys. Now he even follows kid models on Instagram because and I quote "They are mad adorable".

"Maybe he wants a baby",my best friend Riley says over the phone. "You think so?", I question. "Why else would he be doing this Y/N",she laughs. "Yea youre right",I say with a sigh. "Do you want a baby?",Riley asks after hearing my sigh. I give a light chuckle and smile at the thought. Picturing what our child would look like.(for this part I'm going to leave this up to you guys imagination because I have a lot of readers from different backgrounds so yep😊)

"Yea I actually do.",I say answering her question. Right after I answer the question Chris walks into the room. "Baby can we imvite your niece over we haven't seen her in a while.",he says peeking his head in the crack of the door. I smile at how cute he is and say"B we just saw her Wednesday today is Saturday".

"Yea but I miss her.",he says with a small pout. "I'll call my sister after I get off the phone with Ri",I say. He gives me a smile and blows a kiss. "I gotta go to the store and get some snacks,and movies,oh and a new stuffed animal,maybe a blanket",I hear the blue eyed boy walk out the front door to his car. "Please give him a baby he's practically begging at this point",Riley laughs. "Yea I think I'm going to talk about it with him tonight",I say walking over to my makeup vanity.

"Ooo spicy",I hear Riley say. I laugh"Very funny Ri very funny"."Alright I have to call my sister I'll call you later".,I finish. "Alright have fun love you.",Riley says. "Love you too bye bye".

I call my sister and she says she will bring Riley over. I also told her about Chris and the baby fever situation. And she said the same thing Riley did. We finish talking and Chris makes it back home with bags in both hands.

My niece finally makes it over. She runs through the door straight to Chris. "CC!",the 3 year old screams running to his arms. "Princessss!" ,Chris screams equally as loud catching her. He spins her around tickling her. Her giggles fill the room.

"Maya come give mommy a kiss and hug.",my sister says shaking her head.  Maya hops down from Chris's lap and makes it over to her mom. My sister leaves and we walk to the living room to get the night started.

The rest of the night was full of Disney princesses,sugary treats,and cuddles. After disney movie number 4 Maya was passed out on Chris's chest with a sour straw hanging from her mouth. I giggled and took a picture to send to her mom. Chris goes to tuck Maya into our bed. He comes back and sits on the couch and wraps his arms around me.

"Best night ever thanks",he says kissing me on the forehead. I snuggle into him more. "C do you want a baby?",I question. He looks down at me with a laugh. "That obvious huh",he continues. "Yep",I say looking at him.

"But yea I do want a baby but I didn't know how to tell or ask you because its your body and your decision.",he says. "Well my answer to your question is yes.",I say kissing him on the cheek. "I would love to have a baby with you",I finish. "Well Maya leaves tomorrow night I say let's get started then",Chris says with a wink. I giggle and playfully push him. "You're an idiot",I say while snuggling into him more. "Yea but I'm your idiot so I'm cool with it",he says giving me a kiss on the lips. "I love you",I say while his lips are on mine. "Love you more",he says giving me one more kiss before getting up to go change the movie.