first fight

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This is what couples look least forward too. The first serious fight of the relationship. Garrett and I  never thought it would happen. Today was different we got into a minor argument and instead of talking about it we both held it in.

It all started when I asked Garrett to do the laundry while I went to school(college). He nodded his head in response so I assumed he understood.I decided to go home for Ir lunch period so I can have lunch with Garrett. I felt my blood boil as I look at the dirty clothes that haven't changed location. "GARRETT!", I yelled." Hey baby", he says coming to give I a hug and a kiss.

I dodge his kiss and cross my arms over my chest."Baby girl what's wrong," he asked with concern. "You promised I would do laundry while I was at school", I say." "Whatever I'm not about to do this with you", he says rolling his eyes.

At the point, my pot is boiling over. I already had a rough day at school and this definitely isn't making it any better. I walk out of the house not forgetting to slam the door. I decide to take some time to think. Instead of thinking logically I began to overthink. "Y/N COME BACK.",I hear him yell but I get in my car and keep walking. I asked him to do one thing. One thing something as simply as sticking fabric in a stupid machine. 

I get to the local cafe and see April. "Hey April.",I say with a huff. I lay my forehead on the counter as April sits my berry smoothie down. April is like that sister I can go to and I know she will tell me the truth even when I'm wrong. "What happen boo?",April says rubbing my hair. She sits my head up to were I'm facing her. "Garrett and I got in our first fight.",I say drinking my smoothie. April gives me a shocked look. "Over what,"she says with a eyebrow raised.

"Laundry.",I whisper. "Laundry.",April says. "You don't deserve this.",she says taking my smoothie. "Hey.",I say reaching for my smoothie. "You sitting here 38 hot over laundry.",April says holding my smoothie from me. "You will get this back when you tell me what you are going to do?",she continues. I sigh and say" Go apologize and work things out." "Thank you.",she gives me my smoothie and a hug. I get up and leave.

I pull up to our house. Opening the door I see the dirty laundry is gone."Hey baby", I hear Garrett say. He walks over to me ,wraps his arms around my waist and gives me a kiss on the neck. "Are you still mad at me," he says with his face still nuzzled in my neck."No I'm not I was being extra when we could have just talked about it I'm sorry baby",I say and give him a kiss.

"Well I most definitely have to apologize and say I'm sorry too. I should have just did what you ask me.",he finishes and gives me another kiss. "And well hopefully tomorrow I can make it up", he continues."Its gonna be just me and I all week next week." "We are going to go on a vacation.", he says.

" Really where are we going baby", I say. "Well you've been saying we could use a break from everyone so we can go to one of those treehouse places in Florida.",Garrett says.Tears began to well in my eyes for the 100th time today."Aw baby what's wrong you don't like the surprise", Garrett says with concern." No No No I love it thank you thank you,"I say turning around giving him multiple kisses.I were excited more than anything. It's gonna be just me and my baby boy for a whole week."I love you", he says." I love you more.",I say giving him a kiss.

SEEEE told you guys I was going to update a chapter.😂😂