mornings part two

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"What do you want for breakfast",Chris says as he helps me down the stairs. "Ummm lets have bacon,fruit salad, and pancakes.",I say while I tap my chin. We make it to the bottom of the stairs and head to the kitchen

"Hey you two.",I hear a voice coming from the kitchen. I forgot Christian, Mason, Ari and Davion spent the night last night. "Morning guys.",I say with a small wave as I waddle through the kitchen. "You look so cute.",Ari giggles. "Pregnancy glow on point girl.",Mason says giving me a high five. We laugh at his silliness.

"Who's helping me make breakfast cuz I'm not doing it by myself.",Chris says walking to the fridge. No one answers. "I guess we ain't eat-I'll help I'll help just shut up Chris.",Davion interrupts Chris. Laughter feels the kitchen again as the two brothers go to make breakfast.

I watch Chris go to the fridge to grab what he needed to make breakfast. When I say this boy is attractive. I mean ATTRACTIVE. 

He was shirtless while his gray sweatpants hung low on his hips and his messy blonde bed hair laid across his face.

We all finish breakfast. Everyone goes to get ready for the day. Its just me and Chris alone in the kitchen.
"Chrisssstoppeerr", I drag out. I hear no answer." Chrissss",I continue. Still no answer. "Daddy", I say as I roll my eyes "Yes babygirl", he now answers. His back was to me  but I could tell he was smirking. "I can tell you smirking",I say with an eye roll and giggle. "I have no idea what you are talking about", Chris says turning around to face me. He walks over and wraps his arms around my waist.

"I love you you know that",he says. I nod my head and answer,"Yes". "I feel like the luckiest man in the world.I'm married to the love of my life, we are about to have our first born, and I'm making money doing what I love.", he continues. I soon feel tears well in my eyes. Stupid pregnancy hormones. 

He leans down and kisses me. I lean up and kiss him. I then feel a sharp pain. My breath hitches and I flinch. "Ow", I say as I lean down. "You ok baby what's wrong", Chris says concerned. We then feel something like  water hit the ground."Baby,hospital,oh my gosh.",I say in short breaths. "Oh oh oh ok ", Chris says sitting me down a chair.

"I'm going to call Ari.",Chris says with a nod while giving me a kiss on the cheek."Ari call mom and dad meet us at the hospital Y/n/n having the baby",he yells running up the stairs. "Christian Mason  Davion get down here kinda in a hurry guys".Chris yells running up the steps

I continue to breathe as I see Chris running around like a mad man. I couldn't help but giggle at Chris trying to put his shirt and shoes on at the same time. "Alright I'm ready I'm ready", he says. Mason grabs the baby bag and opens the door as Christian grabs my hand and helps me.

Davion and Christian get in one car while Chris Ari Mason and I get in the other.Chris drives while Ari wipes my sweat with a towel and Mason holds my hand.

Chris is driving like a mad man to get to the hospital. We make it to the hospital and Chris hops out of the driver's side. He comes and opens the door and helps me out. 

Chris picked me up bridal style and rushes me into the ER. The nurses and doctor come and help me onto a gurney.

We get into the delivery room and its time to push. "AHHHH",I scream. "I can't I can't do it baby", I whine. "You got this princess. Our little girl is ready to come meet us",Chris whispers in my ear. "Come on baby one more push  you got this",he says. Hearing Chris's encouragement made me want to push. "UHHGGHH",I push as hard as I can. I soon hear the cries of our baby girl. 

"oh wow I see another head",the doctor says shocked. "Another one",Chris  and I say at the same time. I start to push again and hear more cries. "And we have another beautiful baby girl",the nurse says. Wow how could we have missed one. The nurses bring the girls over and tears well in our eyes. They were truly gorgeous.

"She must have been hiding behind her sister", the nurse continues. The doctor get the girls and I cleaned up. The rest of the house comes to see the girls. "THERE WERE TWO OF THEM",everyone says. Chris and I laugh. Wow this is crazy. Well double trouble I guess.