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"VINNIE VINNIE PLEASE!", I scream shaking my unconscious boyfriend. Looking down I see a hole where a bullet went through his chest. After seeing this I feel my throat closing and tears well.  I feel a hand on my shoulder and I jump. "Y/N/N he's gone I'm sorry.",Jordan says as he bends down and picks me up. I let out a loud scream and start to shake. Chris rubs my hair and pats my back. We were at home when someone broke into the house.

    I jump up at the sound of shouting and banging. "Y/N OPEN THE DOOR BABYDOLL COME ON PLEASE.",I hear Vinnie yell. Breathing heavily I try to stand but my legs feel weak and I fall back on the bed with a loud sob. The door then burst open with Vinnie and the rest of the boys outside.

     Vinnie sprints to the bed and picks me up. "You're ok you're ok I'm right here.",he says rubbing my back and kissing my forehead. Jordan motions that they are going to leave and Vinnie nods.He rocks us back and forth as I continue to cry. I nuzzle my head into him deeper taking in the scent of the cologne I bought him for his birthday.

       I start to finally calm down and sit up. Vinnie still has a strong grip on my body. "What's wrong my sweet girl.",he whispers brushing a strand of hair from my face and wiping a stray tear from my cheek. "We just heard you screaming and crying and we rushed to the room.",he finished.

      "I had a nightmare...and I lost you.",I say lowly as I feel my breath hitch again. The image of him laying in the snow,pale face, frozen, blank eyes staring into space made me feel sick. Vinnie sees this and pulls me into another hug. "Hey I'm not going any where you aren't getting rid of me doll especially not that easy alright.",he says placing short and sweet kisses on my lips.

    He continues to calm me down and I feel my breathing slow. "Hey how about we go get some snacks,blankets,and watch Disney Plus.",Vinnie says giving me an assurring smile. I nod my head and snuggle into him more.

   "Now can I get a smile pretty girl.",he says tilting my chin towards him. I give him a smile and he gives me a long kiss. I smile into the kiss as my hands tangle in his hair.We pull away and head to the kitchen to get the snacks

If you had a request its going to be made a little later🤍