For Renny

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"Zion give me my bag back!", I say stretching my arm while giggling. "Hmmm what are you gonna do for it.",he says stretching his arm out further giving me a wink. I get flustered and hide my face not before giving him a smack on his arm. "Are you two done?",my best friend Kylee says with chuckle rolling her eyes. (yes I'm Renny's bestie I said what I said) "Not untill he gives me my bag back.",I say whining and pointing. Kylee gets up from her desk, smacks Zion on the back of his head. He drops the bag to rub his head.

Kylee hands me my bag and goes to sit in her desk behind me. We all burst out into laughter as Zion whines about how Kylee hit him. Our teacher walks in and gets class started. During the whole class Zion is picking at me. Tickling my neck,untying my shoe strings. Just what ever he could do he did.

"Ren! Ren!",I hear him whisper shout. "What Zion!",I say in the same tone. "Watch yo attitude.",he says jumping at me. I stick my tongue out and go back to writing my notes. "Give me a pencil.",he says with a hushed tone. "Should have brought one.",I say not taking my eyes off my paper. "Man lil girl I'll-.",he says jumping at me. I laugh and kick my bag over to him and he grabs a pencil.

"Zion,Lauren.", our teacher Mrs.Tyler looks up at us. "Something you would like to share with the class.",she says with a smirk.  Everyone in class were used to Zion and I's shenanigans."No maam.",we both quietly yet hurriedly say. "Good.", she turns and goes back to writing on the board. I take the time to pinch Zion on his neck. He softly groans in pain while shaking his head at my antics. Class is finally over and everyone leaves the class. I go to pick up my bookbag but Zion is quicker. "Zion! Give me my bag!",I say running after him giggling. 

We to the middle of the hallway and I reach for my bag. "Gotta give me a kiss on the cheek if you want it so bad AND you have to be my girl!",He says dangling my bag in the air. "In your dreams.",I say still reaching with all my might for my bag. 

"Alright then you know I've never went through your bag. Now may seem like a good time. Don't you think Renny.", he says with a smile fingers wrapped around the zipper. "Fine!",I say grabbing his cheek and giving him a kiss. "Thank you.",he drops my bag in my arms. "You're such a jerk!",I say pushing him playfully. He looks at me in dramatic shock. "Lauren! I am wounded! How could you.",he says holding his hand on his chest.  "Just walk me to class idiot.",I say rolling my eyes. He walks over and bends over telling me to get on his back. I hop on and he runs down the hallway. "Zion!",I say giggling and holding on.