youre a doctor(merrick)

423 15 0

*may be triggering for some.

It was an extremely busy day at Chicago Med. A terrorist attack happened in downtown and the hospital has been absolute hell. Walking out of one of the trauma room I wipe my forehead and feel something wet. I touch my forehead and see the ruby red blood of my trauma patient. I give a huff and go to sit down and catch by breath but the minute I sit down I hear my name being yelled. "Y/L/N(your last name) I need you in Trauma 4 right now!",I hear Connor yell as he rushes alongside paramedics.

"Got it!',I respond running from behind the front desk grabbing my scope on the way. I run in to see a young woman with what had to be two gunshot wounds. The first in her chest and the second in her thigh. "Hi sweetheart hey hey can you hear I'm Doctor Y/L/N.",I say to her while cutting her shirt open. "What's your name sweetie.",I continue. "Anna..Anna Coleman.",she whispers. "Alright Anna stay with me.

"I need 1.5 mgs of morphine right now April.",I say grabbing a tube to intubate. "On it.",April yells grabbing her Anna's IV. "Help..he helped me.. -.",Anna whispers but slowly fades. "Alright shes need to go the OR right now. Let's move guys go go go.",I yell at my team. "I need Trauma 6 open now",I hear Connor yell once again. I look up and of course my worse fear becomes reality. Its Merrick being rolled in on a stretcher.

I run out of Trauma 4 and Maggie grabs my arm. "Maggie no please I have to go help him. I would never forgive myself if something happened to him and I did nothing to help.",I say looking at her with wet eyes. Maggie lets my arm go and nods her head towards Trauma 6. I rush over and Connor looks up "Y/N you dont need to be in here.",Connor says with taking off Merrick's jacket. "Connor you can yell at me later but right now I would like keep my husband alive.",I say looking at him with a pleading look.

He gives me a nod and moves to let me look at Merrick. His face was littered with scratches and a few burns. Smoke residue covered his body and face. I grab my light and open his eyes"Merrick baby can your hear me cmon baby.",I ask. I see him slighty move then start to open his eyes.

"What happened.",I asked while giving him iv and he groans. "I pushed...her out of the way and-....",Merrick murmurs in and out. I feel around his stomach and he flinches as the dark maroon liquid soaks the olive green shirt. "Connor multiple gunshot wounds.",I say while cutting open Merrick's shirt. Connor brings over the the iv so we can give him pain meds. "Ricky baby I'm sorry but this is going to hurt ok.", I say giving him a kiss on the forehead. He nods but winces when I get the surgical tongs and pull out the bullets.

I pull out the last bullet and Merrick fades in and out."Merrick...Merrick baby stay with come on.",I say patting his face. His eyes roll to the back of his head and the monitor starts beeping."If its not on the outside it has to be on the inside.",I think to my self

We look at the monitor and sure enough he has internal bleeding. "The bullets caused internal bleeding.",I say taking off my gloves."Alright he needs to go to the OR lets go people.",I say lifting the guards on the bed and start to roll him out of the Trauma Room. "I got him Y/N you arent fit for surgery right now. You're shaking.",Connor says while nodding to my hands. I nod my head and Maggie walks over to take me to the desk.

3 Hours Later...

Connor and Will come out with a bright smile and rush to me. "He is going to be perfectly fine.",Will says. "His vital signs are awesome and he is in Room 216.",Connor adds. I jump and hug them both. "I love you guys so much.",I say feeling my eyes become wet again. I dont know what I would have done if something happened to Merrick. I run to the elevator to go to the second floor. I get to the room and see Merrick's team. "Hi guys.You doing alright.",I ask hugging each of them. "We're good. But someone hasnt stopped asking for you since he has gotten out of surgery.",Casey,one of Merrick's friend says with chuckle.

I smile and go into the room to see Merrick sitting up watching tv. "Hi hazel eyes."I say walking over to the bed. His head whips around and he gives me the biggest smile. "Hi baby.",he says opening his arms. I lean down and give him the biggest hug. I couldnt help but let a few tears drop.
Seeing him in the condition he was in I just....dont know. "Hey hey pretty girl whats the tears for I'm ok.",He says lifting chin with his finger and wiping away my tears. "I just got really scared seeing you like you were was a nightmare turned reality.",I say taking a deep breath. "Well youre not getting rid of me that easy you're stuck with me beautiful to the end of time I promise ok.",he says kissing my cheeks then lips. I nod my head and snuggle into him more as he rubs my back.

More updates coming later this afternoon 😊😊