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I couldn't help but stare at Bryce and Addison as they laugh together. I was beyond annoyed with Bryce. I stare at the bruntette and blonde as she grazes her hand on Bryce's shoulder as she laughs. Sure they were exes and all but just the thought bothered me. Bryce wouldn't cheat on me...right.

"Babe I don't like the way Addisom looks at you when she comes over.",O say setting out snacks. "Are you serious come on baby you have no worries ok?",he says. "I have established with Addison we are nothing more than friends alright.",he says walking over to me giving me a kiss. I look at the ground after the kiss because I felt shy.

"Hey...look at me.",Bryce says while using his finger to tilt my chin so I'm looking in his eyes. "",he says giving me a kiss after each word.


Well looks like I did have something to worry about. Bryce told me not to worry and that they were just friends but I just  couldn't help but worry. Jaden, Josh, Addision,Mads and Blake came to Bryce and I's house to visit. So far all we have done are make tik toks, watch movies, and make tons of food.

We are now watching movies and chilling on the coaches. I tried to sit by Bryce but Addison got there before I could. Seeing that I was upset he says "come here baby" and sits me on his lap. I feel better but I look up to see Addison staring at me.

"Hey Bryce can I talk to you for a sec", says Addison. I could tell she was up to nothing but trouble." Umm yeah sure can you hop up for a sec Y/N/N(your nickname)", responds Bryce."Yea", I say as I stand up.

I sit down on the couch. Josh looked at my slumped figure over the couch and figured I was upset."Hey Y/N/N you good?" he says."Yea I'm fine just peachy," I say with a sigh."You know if it's making you upset you should talk to him about it", he continues."Yea you're right I'm going to go ask to talk to him."Um, baby, can we talk-", but I interrupted myself because I see Addison pushed up against Bryce on the counter.

"Baby I swear it's not what it looks like", says Bryce." Oh please Bry don't lie to her she should know", Addison says with a smirk on her face. At this point tears are running down my face. They were sad tears more angry and disappointed. Of course I trusted Bryce but it was the blonde haired she devil I didnt trust.I walk up to Addison and smack her. She pulls me to the ground but I get on top of her. "Y/n stop stop it come on.",I hear Bryce yell as he pulls me off of her . i get off of her, push Bryce off of me and run up to my room and Bryce follows in pursuit.

I get in my room and sit on the bed. Bryce comes in and opens the door. "Baby ",Bryce says quietly. I stay quiet knowing that if I spoke I would most likely say something wrong."Ok so I'll just talk I'm so so so so so sorry Y/N "I didn't know she would try something like that" I love you and only you you are the only girl who will get my love and affection alright",says Micheal. I say nothing and just hug him. He returns the gesture and gives me a kiss. We decide to stay upstairs and have time to ourselves.