jordan powell

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I was on Tik Tok laughing at Chris Daniels' new tik tok while I was hanging out with Jordan. We were just chilling on the couch. Its not like he was talking or anything....right?

Jordan was not so fond of my new-found attention for the blonde boy. He invited me over to hang out and cuddle. But apparently all I was doing so far was binging watching Chris's Tik Tok.

"Baby,baby doll,lovely,boo,sweetheart,princess", Jordan says dragging out each syllable of each word. He snatches the phone out of my hand and puts it on the table next to the coach.

" Hey what was that for!",I yell."Pay attention to me I'm your boyfriend, not Chris.", Jordan whimpers."You have been watching his Tik Toks this whole time and now I'm annoyed."I want you all to myself love.", Jordan continues.

"Aw baby I'm sorry I didn't know it was like that", you say." "You are the only boy for me and I'm the only girl for you" I love you, Jordan, you know this",I finish. I felt really bad. I never wanted to make my baby boy feel this way.

"I feel better now.", Jordan says." You're actually looking at me now", he continues."You know I would never trade you for Chris. Jordan you know that right? He is adorable but your the one for me not him.",I say as I sit on Jordan's lap.

I start to attack his face with kisses until I hear his cute laugh."You are literally the best you know that",Jordan says smiling."Well I mean look at me I'm kinda hot,"I  exaggerate."I agree completely and one hundred percent," Jordan says as he kisses your cheek.

I decide to mess with Jordan."But on the other hand, Hudson is pretty hot so I don't know-oww,",I say in pain.Jordan pushed me off his lap." "Jordannn", I drag out. "Call Chris to make you feel better",Jordan jokingly says.