bryce hall(hes drunk)

741 21 3

Im not that drunk:Writing Prompt

I was sitting at home watching Netflix waiting for Bryce to come home. He and the boys went out to some influencer party but I didn't want to so I stayed home. Bryce wanted to stay with me but I told him to go and have fun. I trust him and he know better than to show out. Drinking my sprite I think to myself. I don't remember ICarly being this funny.  My phone rings interrupting my thoughts and I answer it. 

"Hello.",I say turning the TV down. "Hey Y/N its Jaden. We are bringing Bryce home. He is drunk. And I mean drunk.",Jaden says. "Is that my- my ba-bb-baby?",I hear Bryce slur his words. "Yea bro its Y/N."Jaden says as the phone sounds fuzzy. Means he's most likely struggling with Bryce. I couldn't help but giggle causing Jaden to whine. "Y/nnn helppp tell him to relax or something. He's laying on the floor now.",Jaden whines. "Ok ok. Put him on the phone Jae.",I say toning down my laughter.

I hear shuffling as Jaden passes the phone to Bryce. "Hel*hiccup* hello.",Bryce says. I try not to laugh. "Bryce Michael Hall if you do not get off that floor right now so help me.",I say. I hear more shuffling and Jaden in the background saying thank you. "Now give the phone to Jaden.",I say with a smile. "Hello?",Jaden says. "Ok he should be able to go home now.", I laugh. "I want Y/NNNN.",I hear Bryce groan. "One sec Y/n/n.",Jaden says. "If you would let me take you to the car you can.",I hear Jaden fussing at Bryce. He groans an ok and Jade says,"We're on our way Y/n/n." "I would prefer you both alive and in one piece.",I laugh. Jaden chuckles as we say our goodbyes and hang up. 

30 Minutes later

I hear my doorbell ring and rush to answer it. Opening the door I say Jaden ho,ding Bryce by his shirt collar. "This belongs to you.",Jaden says handing Bryce to me by his collar. "Why thank you kind sir.",I giggle. Bryce finally notices after he's been staring at his feet. "Oh heey baby I missed you.",he says wrapping his arms around my waist. I kiss his cheek and look at Jaden. "Thanks Jay I really appreciate it.",I say giving him a quick side hug.

"No problem.",he says returning the hug. "Get some rest bud.",he says ruffling Bryce's hair. Jaden leaves and I bring Bryce into the house. He brushes his teeth but has to brush them again because he threw up. We finish in the bathroom. I bring him to the bed and he plops down. I strip him down to his underwear and tuck him into bed. I sit headache pills and a bottle of water on the nightstand. "Thank you baby.",he says as I slide into bed next to him. "No problem bubbas.",I say kissing his forehead. He pulls me into his chest and I snuggle in. We then drift into a deep sleep