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Today was a day of love and happiness. It also marks Vinnie and I's second year anniversary. 2 years ago we got married on Valentines Day. So Valentines Day has always been special.

I wake up before Vinnie and rush to the kitchen. I wanted to cook breakfast for him. I grab eggs, pancake mix, and bacon. While turning on music I hear a raspy voice saying Good Morning. "Vincent Hacker if you do not get your butt back up them stairs", I yelled." But baby-", Vinnie starts.

"No back up the stairs", I say. He walks back up the stairs. 30 minutes later I finish up and put everything on the tray. While walking up the stairs I begin to think if Vin would like it or not.

I open the door and there lies my handsome husband. He was shirtless with black Adidas sweatpants." Morning",I say. "Morning", he says while looking at his phone. " Aww baby is that for me", Vinnie coos. "Yep", I say walking over to the bed.

We sit down and start to eat breakfast. " So what's the plan for today",I say. "We can go to the mall so I can spoil you all day", he says before drinking his strawberry smoothie. " But Vinnn",I laugh. "Nope I don't wanna hear"

After 5 minutes of bickering Vincent and I decide to get ready and go shopping. We get to the mall and get started. We go to Rue 21,H&M, and so many others. I even slip a couple of clothes for Vinnie into the basket.

Im looking at a pair of black flare pants when i feel arms wrap around my waist and lips on my neck. "Those would look amazing on you,I hear Vinnie whispers. "Oh really", i smirk. We laugh pay for the clothes and head to Chipotle for lunch.  We order food and  go get a booth.  I sit first and Vinnie sits after I do. 

He looks at me smiling as I eat.  "What", I laugh. " "I am so glad I'm married to you", Vinnie says as he continues to smile. " Well I'm glad the feeling is mutal", I laugh as well.  Deciding that we have done enough for the day we go back home and chill out for the rest of the day.