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Sorry its so short Renny. I got get back into writing.😩

"Yes mom. I have everything. Yes I swear.",I say laughing over the phone at my mother. I have been in America for the past weeks handling business. And my mom has called me every single day. "Did you have fun Renny?",my mom asks. "Yea I did it was amazing.",I say as I start going into details. We talk for about 15 more minutes.

"I'm leaving for the airport now bye momma.",I say as I blow a kiss into the phone. "Be safe Renny.",she says with sigh but a slight chuckle.

She hangs up and I throw my phone into my purse. Checking my appearance in the mirror before I leave I start getting excited. I missed everyone so much especially Bakugo. We face timed every night even falling asleep together. I pull my thoughts to a close and get ready for to catch my flight.

*time skip*
I step off the plane and breathe in
Musutafu. My beautiful city I'm back. I get into a cab and I sink in the seat. Jet lag is a bastard. My small nap was interrupted by my phone vibrating on my lap.

Ochako. I rub the sleep from my eyes as I answer the phone. "Hm.",I say still somewhat asleep. "RENNY! I miss you. I can't believe you left me with Bakugo,Izuku,and Todoroki.",she said whines into the phone. I chuckle,"I'm sorry Chako." "You are forgiven.",she says as she stops her ramble.

We talk as the cab driver pulls up to my house. "Hey...come look outside I have a package on the way.",I say smirking. "Oh...ok.",I hear Ochako say. Oh I may have forgotten to mention only my mom knew I was coming home. The reason Class 1-A is at my house because my mom told them she was lonely and they reminded me of her.

The cab pulls up to my drive way. The door opens and Ochako nearly drops her phone. "RENNYYYY!",she says running over. She grasps me in a tight hug and we sway back and worth. Everyone runs out and joins in the hug. We aren't well adjusted to being away from each other so of course a few tears were shed. My mom comes outside and wraps me in a huge hug.

"Ugh I missed my big baby so much.",she says taking my face in her hands. "I missed you more.",I say. But a look of confusion comes across my face. Wheres my blonde haired baby Bakugo. "He's upstairs in the shower.",my mom says smiling. A blush comes across my face at the thought of the water and steam running down his-... I need to go find my boyfriend.

We all walk back into the house. I sit my bags done and kick my shoes off. "BAKUGOOOOO!",I yell. I hear footsteps coming up the hall. He walks out drying his hair. He has own sweats but no shirt. "Yea babe?",he says still drying his hair.

"Babe!?!",he runs over and picks me up. "Hi bubs you miss me?",I say playing with hairs as he gets a better grip under my thighs. He kisses me but says nothing. He walks to my bedroom,tosses me on the bed,walks over to the tv and turns it on. He then gets in bed and cuddled with me. "You can't leave anymore.",he says kissing my lips again and pulling me into his side.