Joe Burrow

385 18 3

You comfort him after losing the superbowl....too soon?...too soon...Antywho i thought this whould be cute which is something I often think about lil because im a weirdo like that. ON TO THE STORY.

Joe and I return to the hotel after the unforunately loss of the Super Bowl. Joe has been quiet since we left the stadium. I felt so bad for him. But he gave it his all and thats all that matter. "Hey JB?",I say looking in my bag for my charger hoping that the blue eyed man had seen it. I look up and see Joe standing beside him looking out of our hotel window. It just so happens  our hotel room gives you a gorgeous view of the LA skyline.....which also means seeing the stadium. 

I walk over to him and wrap my arms around his waist. "Hey...",I whisper softly turning him around to face me and leading him to the small sofa in the room. He sits down and I sit on his lap. "You can't let this effect you Joey.",I say grabbing his face softly and having him look at me. "I'm trying..its hard.",he says with sadness threatening to pool out of his eyes. I give him a hug and my shoulder feels wet..He's crying. 

"Aww baby boy.",I say hugging him tighter. Now I want to cry. Seeing Joe's face after the Rams made that last touchdown nearly broke me.


"LETS GO JOEY COME ON BABY ITS OK.",I yell from the stands nearly hoarse. Joe looks up in the stands and gives me a small smile. I sign I love you to him and he signs it back. Something we normally do since we can't talk to each other during the game. So basic sign language came in handy. The boys are back on the field. Its the last quarter everyone's heart is nearly about to beat out of their chest. 

The ball flies down the field...touchdown for the RAMS. The stadium erupts in cheers for the Rams. I see Joe looking for me in the stands. I sign "Im sorry" and he signs "its ok" and sighs. 


"Hey listen to me Joe.",I say lifting his head up. "You absolutely killed it out there tonight. And although the outcome was not what you wanted. I'm extremely proud of you everyone is proud of you. Baby you got injured and still made your way back on that field. That's how bad you wanted this. You fought till the end and that's what it takes. You win some. You lose some. You're going to come back bigger,better,and stronger.",I finish my rant and Joe gives me a kiss.

"What would I do without you?",He says giving me a smile wiping the stray tears from hsi face. "Me without you that sounds like a nightmare.",I say with a giggle. "Hey how about we go relax in the bath?",I say getting up from Joe's lap and leading him to the bathroom. He gets up and follows. I run the bath and we both strip down.

We sit in the bath and I lay my back on his chest. He rubs my shoulders and kisses my neck. "I love you baby.",he says with a relaxing sigh.  "I love you more.",I say looking up at him. 

We sit in the bath for a little longer before deciding it was time to get out. Joey gets out of the bath and grabs our towels. He dries off before helping me dry off. I wear one of Joe's shirts and he wears just sweats. He hugs me from behind as we lay in bed and gives me a kiss on the cheek as we both drift off to sleep.