Zach Smith(First Kiss)

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Zach and I have been dating for 6 months and have not had our first kiss. Insecurities mostly filled my mind.Maybe he doesn't see his self with you or maybe he's embarrassed of me. My thoughts are cut short when Zach comes in. " Hey mamas.",He says bending down to kiss my forehead. Oh for the love can't he just go a little lower(not that low ya nasties lol).

"Hey you good?",he questions. "Yea I'm good.",I say giving him a small smile. He sighs and gives in. "Alright well wanna watch Netflix and eat snacks or something.",he asks. "Yea that's cool.",I reply. " He gives me a concerned look but I guess he decided to shake it off.

After he walks out sight I take a pillow of the couch and my muffled screams fill the room. Finishing my sounds of agony I decide to go see if Zach needed help with anything. I walk into the kitchen and sat on the counter. Choosing to be playful I kick Zach on the butt. He turns around and I clapped the air as if I was killing a bug. "Stupid bugs always flying at me all this room in this house and they choose my face.",I mumble to myself. Zach smirks and continues fixing snacks.

Deciding I wasn't getting enough attention for my liking I hop off the counter. I stand behind Zach and rear my hand back and smack him on the butt as hard as can. "That's it",he says. After hearing this I take off running upstairs. Oh my gosh when did I get so many stairs. Man I'm out of shape. I run down the hall and go to the guest room with Zach right on my trail.

I get behind the door and try to hold it curse you noodles arms. "Babe open the door I'm not gonna do anything.",he says. "Are you lying to me Zach Smith",I yell back. "Maybe but you'll never find out unless you open the door.",he says. My arms give out and the door flies open. I then feel arms wrap around my waist and my feet leave the ground.

"Zachary Smith put me down right now.", I yell hitting his back. A smack to my butt follows after my threat."Owww.", I gasp. "See doesn't feel so good now does it.", Zach smirks. He walks down the stairs and tosses me on the couch. He then lays on top of me. "Oh my gosh babe can't breathe.", I dramatically say acting as if i was gonna past out. He lifts off of me and now he's just looking in my eyes.

"Why are you so pretty.",he smiles. I blush and try to hide my face in my shirt. "Hey don't hide your face.", he says while pulling my shirt from my face. He smiles and leans down. His lips touch mine and I melt into the kiss.My fingers reach for his curls and entangle in them.

After what seems like forever we both pull away heavy breathing . "Wow", Zach says with a sigh. "Wow indeed", I say shaking my head. "We should have did that sooner", he continues. "Ya think",I say shaking my head with a giggle. "Well excuse me I didn't wanna rush things",he laughs. "Aww that's sweet",I say nuzzling my head in the side of his neck. Wow now I feel bad. He didn't kiss me because he didn't wanna rush things. "You are literally the sweetest", I say as I give him a peck in the lips. "Well I mean I try", he says with a bright smile.