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Happy Birthday Renny. I loveeee you😂💕


Today we are at Todoroki's house planning Lauren's surprise party. "Alright guys this has to be perfect for Lauren.",I say fixing the chairs at the table. Bakugo,Ida, and the rest of 1A look at me in confusion. "Is the big manly Kirishima in love.",Todoroki says coming up to me. "Wha- no no way. I just want this to be nice for Renny.",I say rolling my eyes.

"Hey it's ok to be in love Kiri.",Todoroki says ruffling my hair. "I'm not in love.",I say taking his hands off my hair. "I'm just trying to make sure things are perfect for my-our Lauren.",I say shrugging my shoulders. "Just ask her out Kiri no harm no foul.",Jiro says patting my shoulder."Alright alright guys let's finish up everything. Ojiro Asui  work on the balloons. Jiro Bakugo Ida work on snacks. Yaoyorozu and Kirishima stay here supervise everyone and I will go get Lauren. ",Todoroki says clapping his hands together.

I have a surprise for Lauren. I hope she likes it.


"Hi Todoroki.We still on for tonight at your place?", I say answering my phone. I was sitting on my couch watching Netflix. Todo said we were going to the movies later tonight. "I'm coming to get you so be ready alright .",he says. "What do I need to wear?",I say walking to my closet. "Fun casual nothing fancy.",he says. "We are going to be there in 1 hour.",he finishes. "Todoriki! 1 hour!",I say running to get to the shower. "Eh you'll be fine now hurry the movie is at 8.",Todoroki says. "Alright love you.",I say. "Love you more.",Todoroki says and hangs up.

I hurry and hop in the shower. I get out dry my hair and do my makeup. I do light makeup basically eyelashes mascara and highlight. Todoroki said dress casual so I wore ripped jeans and a off the shoulder white shirt with flowy sleeves,gold hoops and a gold chain with white air force ones. I hear my door bell ring and I grab my shoes from the closet.

"Cominnnggg.",I yell running down the stairs. I open the door to see Todoroki. "Hi Todo I'm all ready see.",I say showing off my outfit. "Yes yes now come on.",he says grabbing my hand and dragging me out the door. "Geez Todoroki the movies aren't going anywhere.",I say laughing. "Yea but the part-parking the parking will probably be awful so why not leave early.",he says with a nervous laugh.

He makes a turn and we are going to....his house. "I thought we were going to the movies.",I say in confusion. "I uhh left my phone.",he says pulling into his driveway. "Oh...ok.",I say getting out of her car.

"Yea come on.",he says grabbing my hands. "Ok, ok.",I say walking along with him. We get to the door and he opens it. "SURPRISEEEEEEEE!",I hear Class 1A yell. "AHhh oh my gosh guys!",I yell. I walk in and hug everyone. "Happy Birthday RENNY.",Deku says running up to me and giving me a hug. Kirishima comes up after everyone"Hi Kiri.",I say hugging him. Man he looks hot. "Can I talk to you for a sec?",Kiri says holding out his hand. "Yea sure.",I say.

We walk to another room. "So um this is for you.",he says handing me a small box. "Aww Kirishima you didn't have t-but I wanted to.",I say but he interrupts me and pushes the box in my hand anyway. I smile and open the box. "Kiri...its beautiful.",I say picking up the heart locket with my name engraved on it. "Open it.",he says looking at the ground. I open it and see a picture of him and me.

"So I was also wondering ifmayebyoukindawannabemygirlfriend.",he rushes out. "What?",I say with a giggle. He looks up grabs my hands and says,"Would you please be my girlfriend?",Kirishima says. "Yes Kiri of course I will.",I say giving him a hug. We pull away and he leans in a kisses me. "Wow.",we both say as we pull away from each other. "Guys come-ohhh finally geez.",Jiro says opening the door. "Jiroooo I'm leaving I'm leaving rubbers are in the drawer.",she says hurrying and closing the door as Kiri throws a pillow. "Shall we go join everyone?",he says with his hand out. "We shall.",I say with a giggle grabbing his hand. Best Birthday ever.