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" you serious?",Justin says standing outside with an amused look. "Justin...yes...I am.",I say mocking his tone. He playfully shoves me as he holds the door open for me. I decided that me and Justin would have an outside day. I walk to the back yard and sit everything on the ground. "School has been stressing us both out and so I figured we could use some outside time.",I say as Justin wraps his arms around my waist. 

"Aww baby thank you!",he says kissing my cheek. "Now lets have some fun shall we.",I say bending down to pick the soccer ball. "",he says between kisses. I giggle and kick the ball into the back yard and we run after it. We kick the ball around for a bit. "No fair!",I yell as the ball passes me again. "Alls' fair in love and war my beautiful Lauren.",he says walking over to me. I pout and he grabs my chin. "You are way too cute to be pouting!",he says kissing my lips. I smile in the kiss and wrap my arms around his neck.

Next we decide to go swimming for a bit. We hop into the pool and swim around. "Hey babe.",he says tapping my shoulders. I turned around and he lifts my legs so they wrap around his waist. "Justin! Babe!",I say laughing wrapping my arms around his neck. He spalshes around in the water. He stops after a while and stops to look up at me. "What?",I say confused. "I love you. A lot.",he says looking in my eyes. I get the biggest stupidest grin on my face and lean down to kiss him. "I love you too.",I say looking down at me. 

Sorry it was short Renny. Still trying to get back into the writing spirit lol. Hope you like it!