wisdom tooth

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Today Chris gets his wisdom tooth pulled. He called me last night and asked if I would help him today. I of course agreed. I wake up early and go to get ready. I call Chris as well.

"Morning baby boy", I say looking at my handsome boyfriend. " Morning mamas", he says with a sleepy voice. I blush as he speaks. "Are you nervous", I say. " No not really actually kinda thrilled", he says rubbing his mouth."Aww has it been hurting", I ask with a pout.

It killed me to see my baby in so much pain. "Yea but today it gets out of my mouth so no more complaints", he says. We continue to face time as we both get ready. I finish up and tell Chris that I will be there in about 15 minutes. It was really convenient since he lives 15 minutes away from my house.

I get in my jeep and drive to his house. Arriving at the house I get out and knock on the door. Mason opens the door and welcomes me in. I go up the stairs to see Chris slipping on his shirt and spraying cologne. " Boo", I say while jumping on him. He screams and holds his chest. "BABE don't you ever omg I think my heart stopped", he says still holding his chest. You laugh and grab his hand leading him downstairs.

You both get in the car and you drive to the dentist. 30 minutes later you reach your destination.
We both get out and go get Chris signed in. 10 minutes past and he is then called to the back.

I stay in front of the office and wait.  1 hour later the nurse comes to being me to the back. Right off the back, I hear someone talking really loudly. I smile and realize it's Chris. " Now I have to warn you he is higher than a kite right now", the nurse informs me. I make it to the room and Chris looks at the door and smiles

"HIIIIII", he says continue to talk loudly." Shushhhh C", I say as I try to make him quiet."Why", he claims with his eyes getting bigger."Because they are other people here not just you", I laugh. "BUT-", he says but interrupt him by saying a finger to his lips.

" Do you not like my voice", he says with tears in his eyes."Aww, baby, it's not that it's just -", I stop as I see tears flow from his eyes. "Why are you crying", I say rubbing his eyes. " Because you don't like my voice", he says continuing to cry.

I didn't know whether to laugh or feel bad. After calming Chris down and telling him I loved his voice it was time to sign him out and take him home. We get in the car and Chris pulls out his phone to face time Mason. Mason answers and is immediately amused at the sight of his friend.

"Hi buddy", Mason says with a wide smile. " hiiiii", Chris says returning the favor. They talk but Mason tells Chris that he has to go. They both hang up but I hear a small whimper. Chris was crying again. "C what's wrong now baby", I say with a small smile. " he doesn't love me anymore either", he says as tears fall down his face. I calm him down again.

I finally calm him down again and distract him by telling him to make tik toks. I go to get him jello and other soft foods since he won't be able to eat regular food. I began to think about how today was going to be a long day.

Sooooo Chris update hope you guys like. Give me another boy. Unless you guys want me to keep doing Chris and Vinnie I don't mind.