Prince Au

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Who should the next prince be?
     I pace back and forth between Vinnie and I's shared chamber. I was sure to walk a path in the floor at this rate.  I was awaiting him and the rest of the army to return from a battle. One of the maids rush in to tell me they have returned. "Queen Y/N they have returned from battle.", she says I let out a yelp of excitement and rush out of the door to the main courtyard. I quickly turn around to thank my handmaiden Isla for the wonderful news. I knew Vinnie could handle the battle but as his wife I could not help but worry.

   I make it to the main courtyard and see my dashing husband on his mahogany colored horse with his right hand men following close behind. Vinnie sees me jumps off his horse and lifts me of my feet. "Oh how I've missed my beautiful queen", Vinnie says as he caresses my face.  I hug him and give him a long well awaited kiss. After greeting the rest of the men with hugs and kisses, I couldn't help but frown at my husband's current state. His blonde hair disheveled from his helmet and tan skin littered with dried blood and bruises.

"Vincent Hacker march up to our chambers we have got to get you cleaned up",  I say trying to seem serious as possible but it clearly wasn't working. Vinnie smiled at me with a teasing smirk before saluting to me and saying "Yes maam". We walk to through the halls of our castle as he tells me the stories of his battle. As we enter the bedroom I tell him to sit on the bed as I go to heat some water for his bath.

The water is now heated and its time for Vinnie to have his bath. He walks to the bathroom before turning around. He holds out his hand and says,"Join me". A slight peach blush comes across my cheeks. Sure Vinnie and I are married but he always knows just what to say to give me butterflies. I stand and take his hand and walk to the bathroom.

We both strip down and he steps in first. He holds out his hand once more to help me get in. I get in and get settled in front of him. My back is on his chest as he rubs the sides of my arms. "This has backfired Mr.Hacker I am supposed to be catering to you.", I say with content. " You are my love. I simply am enjoying the time we spending together as of right now." he says. "Every night for the past month I have been thinking about you being in my arms again" he continues.

This past month has been rough without Vinnie. We are always together and I just did not think we would ever be separated for so long. We lay in the bath till it gets cold. Vinnie gets out to grab our towels and night gowns. After getting dressed I asked one of my hand maids to get me medicine so I can clean up Vinnie. "Here you are my Queen", the hand maid says as she scurries off to handle any more duties she has. I pick up the cream and begin to rub it on Vinnie's cuts. He flinches but soon calms after I give him a peck on the lips.

"I am so glad I married you", Vinnie says breaking the silence in the room. "Oh really now", I say with a slight smirk. " Yes I could not imagine anything better than coming home to a beautiful woman like yourself. I am the luckiest man in all of the lands maybe even the universe.", he continues but then pulls me into a long passionate kiss. " I have been wanting to do that for the past month", he says as he leans his forehead against mine.

I finish cleaning him up and we get ready for bed. Vinnie blows out the candles and gets in bed. I move over to lay on him as he wraps his arms around me. He then kisses my forehead and whispers,"Good night my beautiful queen".