mornings part3

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Mommaaaa(sorry im southern lol)",I hear voices as knocks hit the door. I wake up to the beautiful golden sun peering through my curtains. Looking over I see Chris sound asleep. I nudge him,"Baby wake up the girls wanna come in get dressed." He gives a sleepy groan as he reaches over the floor and grabs a pair of sweat pants. I throw on one of his shirts and tell the girls to come in.

Mornings in the Daniels house are always so sweet. Cuddles and kisses are passed. Maybe even a quick nap is taken. The girls rush in the room and jump on the bed. Chriw and I each grab a girl and give them the biggest kisses and cuddles ever.(side note:I'm going to name the twins but of course if you want to name them something else different thats cool too :) ) Our twin girls Mariana and Bianca are now 3 years old.

Chris turns on the TV and we snuggle up under the covers and hold the girls close. After two episodes of Paw Patrol and one of Bubble Guppies we decide its time for breakfast. After deciding to let the girls choose we go with french toast,fruit,and bacon. Chris picks the girls up and rushes down the stairs. Their loud giggles flow through the house and I can't help but smile. "You're gonna like it here",I say with a hand on my stomach. "Hey babygirl you coming ",Chris says peeking from around the corner.

My thoughts stop and answer"Oh yea baby Im coming". Chris and the girls don't know I'm pregnant. I found out 2 days ago and I'm more than excited. I decided that I'm going to tell everyone at breakfast. I wake in the kitchen to see a shirtless Chris frying bacon, Bianca eating sugar with a spoon,and Mariana nearly falling in the sink washing fruit with her tiny arms. I laugh and get everyone in order. Sooner or later breakfast is done. We all sit down,pray,and start to eat.

"So babe",I say as I eat a grape. "Yes beautiful",he says wiping B's mouth. "So I was thinking like what if we had another baby", I say rolling up Mari's pajama shirt sleeve. Sheesh parenting is no joke."I would love it thats just another prince or princess added to the family. Do you want to have another baby?",he says as he starts back eating."Well about that",I say with a smile. "What are-shut up are you serious",Chris yells excitedly as he stands up from the table.

"DADDYYYYYYY",Bianca yells as she covers her ears."Why so loud Dada",Mariana says covering her ears as well."Oh sorry babies",He says bending down giving them kiss on the cheek."My gorgeous princesses I have a question",He says bending down and wraps his arms around them."Yes Dada",Mari and BiBi ask. "How would you feel about mommy having a baby","Mommy's having a baby",Mari says. "Yep",Chris says with a big smile."yayyyyyyy",they both stand up and do a happy dance.

Chris and I look at each other and decide to join them. These are the moments I love with our family. Small moments like these leave the biggest impacts. After we finish our dance party we go and sit on the couch. "What should we do to celebrate huh",Dre says. "Um how about we go out on a family day. No distractions just the 4-well 5 of us,"I say. "Sounds like a plan sound good girls"Dre asks the girls."They each give us a thumbs up. Another pregnancy journey hear we come. But there is truly no one I rather be with than these guys.