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From my flopped Mafia book lol

"Nique you almost ready?", I hear my best friend Marley say from our shared bathroom

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"Nique you almost ready?", I hear my best friend Marley say from our shared bathroom. "Yes! You?", I say strapping up my heels. "Touching up my hair.",she replies. About 2 minutes later she walks out of the bathroom.

"Aye hold up we look good love.",she says eying me as I do the same to her. We both laugh, grab our purses, and head out the door. Tonight Marley was helping me get over my ex. He was...something. After our break up I was in my house for two weeks but not for what you think

Marley's Dress

Dominique's Dress

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Dominique's Dress

We hop into Marley's car and admire how beautiful the New York City lights are

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We hop into Marley's car and admire how beautiful the New York City lights are. To get my mind off my awful breakup Marley decided to get me all dolled up and go to a club. Pulling up to the club we see the bright fancy cars and crowds of people everywhere.

Marley gives the keys to the valet and we walk into the club. "What's up with it Marley.",one of the bouncers says while eying Marley. She rolls her eyes as she looks up at him. "Jakob do you have nothing else better to do than get on my nerves.",she says with her finger on her forehead.

He laughs and opens the door. "Have fun ladies any problems you know where to find me.",he says with a wink.

Vinnies POV

"Do you have my part of the deal?",I say looking up. "V you know-I said do you have my part of the deal.",I gritt through my teeth. I get from my chair and walk over to the bastard who is trying to scam me.

"Derek you know I am a nice guy. But you also know you play with money thats like spitting in my food.(iykyk)
I pull out my knife from my pocket and press it against his throat. Pulling him closer by his collar. I was mad until I thought..the kid. "Lucy...your daughter does she have supplies and clothes for school.",I say looking him in the eyes.
"What?",he looks at me confused.

"Are you hard of hearing? I said does Lucy have supplies and clothes for school.",I say. He nods his head no and I nod over to Chris. "C give him money for Lucy.",I say taking the knife away from his throat. "Forget the deal.",I say. "If you ever need help come to me I'll figure it out. Got me?",I finish. "Perdonami(forgive me).",I say then kiss his forehead. "Get outta here.",I say. He gets up and runs out.

"You being a softie now.",Chris says with a chuckle walking over to my desk. "I thought about his kid bro. We know what its like to lose someone because of this "business".",I say with a huff. Chris and I's parents were killed after our dads borrowed money but couldn't pay it back in time.

I spin in my chair to look at the frame of my mother and father on the wall. I turn back around to say something to Chris but my attention and breath fade away. I see a beautiful girl walk in. Her black satin dress hugging her in all the right places.

"Yo Ty and Tris come here.", I wave to them. They come over.I tell them to bring her over her. There's no way I'm not talking to her. She's gorgeous.


"Why wont you date that poor boy Mar?",I question with a laugh. "No way he and Jasmine just broke up. I never will be a rebound",she says with a look. "Ahh I see.",I say shaking my head.

"Ladiessss how are you?",a voice says. Two boys were in front of us. One was tall with brown curly hair. The other one was also a brunette with bright blue eyes. "I'm Tyler this is Tristan.",he says pointing at his friend. "Names?",he says looking back and forth between me and Marley.

"I'm Marley and this is my friend Dominique but she goes by Nique.",Marley says looking at the tall boy. Oh I know this look. Poor boy has no idea what he's in for.

He stares at Marley as she gives him her sweet slightly seductive smile. Tristan sees Tyler is like a broken record and smacks him in the back of the head. "What we were here for is that our boss wants to meet you Nique.",Jordan says. Me? Why me?

What we thinking we like?