Anthony Carmine

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Jacinto, Tyrus Anthony Carmine POV:I woke up from the barracks and walked the busy street with military vehicles, and I saw over a dozen King ravens in the air

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Jacinto, Tyrus
Anthony Carmine POV:
I woke up from the barracks and walked the busy street with military vehicles, and I saw over a dozen King ravens in the air. I was walking to the mess hall to get some food. I was happy that for Uncle Roland to be back. 'He's the toughest man I know.'I thought. I made it to the mess hall and saw a few hundred Gears were in it eating and socializing. I made it to one of the lines. And grabbed a tray and picked and got some 'food' when it was my turn to get some. I turned around and was knocked backward by a couple of Gears. With the 'food' falling on my armor. "Hey, watch it, kid!" one of the older Gears said, pushing me back."Hey, it was an accident!" I said, defending myself. But the other Gear just pushed me again. "Hey! I know you're not messing with our teammate!" I heard a familiar voice and looked behind me and saw Cole standing there with Gyules, Tanner, Rojas, Baird, Nash, Barrick, Charlotte, Dom, and uncle Marcus. And their facial expressions were not happy. That made the mean Gears leave me."Come join us, Anthony," Gyules said to me, and I nodded, following them to a corner with multiple tables set up. And we sat down and talked to each other."Hey Barrick, have you heard about Jones." Charlotte asked, and he nodded, remembering their fourth member of their squad. "Yeah, he should be combat-ready in a couple of days," Barrick said, putting his arms on the table."Have you heard about Lieutenant Kim? I think he lost his arm." Dom said, shaking his head."Fuck they couldn't save it. What will be doing now desk duty." Baird said, and they nodded to him. I talked and hanged out for a while, laughing about things.

I looked to the entrance and saw two Gears walking toward us. "Is this Delta squad." One of them asked, and I looked at Uncle Marcus. "Yeah, who's asking?" Uncle Marcus asked them. Making us wonder the same.
"Jace Stratton."
"Gil Gonzalez"
(A/N y'all can search what they look like)

They said to Uncle, and he nodded, looking at them over and motion for them to sit near him. "You saw action?" Uncle asks, and they nodded. "Alright, follow orders and do your job and we won't have a problem," Uncle said, and they nodded."Jace Stratton... I heard that name. You were in Ilima city. Right, you fought with one of my nephews?" Uncle asks him. I remember being told a young orphan fought with Adam in Iima. "When officers aren't around, I'm in charge, and Dom is my number two," Marcus said, causing them to nod. Jace looked at Barrick, who was smirking, and his mouth dropped open. "You're the guy. The guy that saved my ass in Iima. The guy that always had the cigar," Jace said, and Barrick nodded. "I knew you would be a Gear. Hey Marcus, I don't know about Gil, but Jace can hold his own. Trust me." Barrick said to Uncle, who nodded to him." Except for my nephews and my brother. Meet the toughest sons of bitches I know. Meet Cole, Gyules, Tanner, Rojas, Baird, Nash, Charlotte, Dom, and Anthony." Uncle said, pointing to each of us making us nod our heads to them. "So Anthony, how has Rose been treating you," Tanner said, making me blush. I could thank God that I have a helmet on. "N-Nothing," I said, and all the guys laughed at me. "You sure? I am pretty sure you been going to Nurse Rose's apartment what three times in a row at night," Tanner said, making me turn my head, and they laughed again, and I felt Tanner patting my back. Rose is helping at the Hospital, and we have been dating for a couple of weeks.

"Attention!" We heard a voice and looked in the central doorway and saw uncle Roland walk in with his General's uniform. All the Gears stood up and saluted him in including us."At ease. I am just another Gear wanting to relax." Roland said, and most of them nodded while Roland got some 'food' and walk to us and sat down at the last seat. "Gears," Roland said, shaking his head eating. "Barrick, I and my sons I doing training. I got a Scouting mission coming up and was short on Gears. When you get ready report to HQ." Roland said, and Barrick nodded. "Hey, what about me. I'm good?" Charlotte asked, standing up causing him to chuckle. "When Jones is combat-ready, I want you and him to test a new 'Longshot' behind enemy lines. Can you do that for me?" Roland said, and she nodded with a blush sitting down embarrassed.

"Marcus, you're in charge of Delta squad. Lieutenant Kim will be transferred to Army intelligence." Roland said, confirming their thoughts, and Marcus nodded. "You got it." and then all of a sudden, a beeping noise was heard, and Roland sighed."Well, Gears, I got to get going. Anthony, I know you have been in hell. Remember, you can still learn new things." Roland said to make me nod my head to him, and Roland stood up. "Oh, Anthony, good job with Rose,"  Roland said, walking out with all the Gears watching him. "I can't believe uncle Roland knows," I said, causing the guys to laugh.

(Three days later)
The Pirnah Badlands Southeast of Jacinto
"Watch your left!" I screamed, killing two grubs charging at Jace and me with my Lancer. "We're pinned down!" Jace called, and I nodded, hearing the gunfire and explosions near us. "No shit!" I screamed at him, and I saw his Lancer was missing. "Where the fuck is your Lancer!" I yelled at him. And just at that moment, I saw a shadow over me, and it was Grub with its own Lancer. "Die, ground walker!" It said, charging at me with his chainsaw activated. "Let's go bitch!" I screamed with mine ready and charged. Soon both our chainsaws battled against each other. It's was an even battle. I head-butted the grub with my helmet. Making it grunt in pain, giving me a window to kill it. "Die, mother fucker!" I screamed with my Lancer, chainsawing through it in half with its blood going all over me.

We turned around and saw Uncle Marcus walking to us. "Anthony, Jace, your good?" Uncle said, and I nodded and saw Jace walk to a Grub with his snub pistol in hand. And the Grub moved a little."How am I doing? Good." Jace said, putting a bullet in its head. And we didn't have enough time to speak when grubs fired on us, making all of us taking cover. I saw Jace and Marcus taking cover and shooting back. With me behind a falling pillow and I fired my Lancer killing a couple of grubs with them doing the same. "All clear!" I yelled to Uncle Marcus, and he nodded, standing up with Jace behind the rubble. We looked at the dead grubs making us nod our heads."Nice. Now let's go find the rest of Delta." Uncle said, and we nodded, walking behind him. We walked to where Dom and Gil were in the destroyed streets.

"D-Dom, you in there?" Uncle asks, with us behind him. And soon, a dead grub was thrown out of the window of the building. "I think it's safe in he's in there," Uncle said to us, and we nodded to him, agreeing. And we saw Barrick in the building. The man we were meant to find. We saw Dom and Gil behind him. "What's up, brother. Where's the rest of your squad?" Marcus asked bro, hugging the man, but Barrick pulled out bloody cog tags."Shit," I said, shaking my head.

(A/N I'm sorry, but I decided to end this chapter because I was at like 5.5k words, and I wasn't halfway done with the comics. And I have people are wanting me to do other stories. So since I am the Authur, I want to end it here where it makes sense. And Barrick and Gil live because Anthony saves them. The next chapter will be Gears of war 2. And again, I'm sorry I got nine other stories to do)

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