UIR biggest mistake part 1

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B.E. 9
Jacinto Hosptial
Katie Fenix POV:

"Mom, where is daddy." little Adam asked me. I remember what he told me what you to say.

"He had to get something to sign from uncle Griggs," I said to him, and he nodded.

"He couldn't wait." I heard my Father's voice state in the doorway of the hospital, not looking, please at all that my husband wasn't here.

"Hello, father, how have you been," I said, giving him a hug in which he gave back, happy to see his little girl back.

"I am doing good. Do you want to see your nephew," Father said to me. And I nodded,

"Yes, father, and this is Adam And Elian Fenix, parents to my husband, and this is your other grandson Adam Fenix," I said, introducing my parents-in-law. I saw Adam give my dad a look as if he was trying to remember something.

"We net have we," Adam said, shaking my dad's hand.

"Yes, you saved my life, and my squad lives years ago near Lakar, Kashkur. We were pinned down until your Company came and saved us from being killed. I never got the chance to say Thank you for saving us. It would seem high command sent us out for bait. While your company came and wiped the UIR out." Father said. Shocking even Adam and me about that.

"I always thought why they would sent a five men squad out that day for no reason. Unless they wanted you to be caught and seen us in to help."Adam said, making my dad nod his head.

"It sad on how you lost one of you men through." My father said, Remembering the past. Making me remembering all those dead Gears at Fort 97

"Dad, can we stop talking about the war? I have seen enough of it to last me a lifetime," I said, walking inside carrying little Adam, leaving Spikes family with my fathers, trying to forget all those nightmares.
I made my way to where my brother was with his wife and sleeping baby.

"Hey, Robb!" I said, walking to my older brother, making him look at me with a look I surprise, then he walked up to me and hugged me.

"Katie is so good to see you after all these years finally...that must be little Adam Fenix I saw on tv. I say he looks more carmine than Fenix." Robb said, making me laugh.

"I think little Adam looks like Spike and me," I said, showing Adam to my brother, who was shy in meeting his uncle.

"And you must be Danielle, and this must be Clay I heard about.Congratulations." I whispered to her, not wanting to wake up Clay.

"Thank you, but you're the one with more children on the way." She said and nodded. Yeah, If everything goes as plan, I will be a mother of 4 in a couple of days.

Outside of Jacinto city hospital.
20 minutes later
Unknown POV:

"Are we sure he is here? We only got one shot at this?" I said to my comrades.

"Yes, Command wouldn't send all its spies here to kill them. If they weren't here, you know the orders, right?"He asked.

"Yes, primary targets are Roland Fenix, Katherine Fenix, their son Adam Fenix II.
Secondary Targets are Adam Fenix and Elian Fenix and their son Marcus Fenix...all targets must be killed and anyone else in the hospital." I said reluctantly.

"How many others are here to help us." another one asked.

"Including us 25." The leader said, and I nodded.

"Men, Remember this is our best chance to kill him. The Fenix Line will end today." my leader said, reloading his machine gun, which has a suppressor. And the rest of us in a van doing the same.

"I just got the word we are clear to execute kill order." my leader said. Exiting the van with the four of us following with the other surrounding the hospital and kill anyone on sight no matter who. We went sent here to send a message to the COG.

"Hey wha

The two security guards we shot down before they could radio anything. We chained the door so no one could escape in this direction.

At the moment, a couple of seconds, the hospital was filled with the screams of innocent people being shot down. They tried calling for help, but they didn't know we are jamming any signal here so that no help could come. And we cut the power.
Ten minutes later, The Hallways were filled with bodies, at least 200 at the front entrance and waiting area. I wonder how the other teams are doing-especially team D and Team C haven't responded at all. We stopped in our tracks when we heard a massive scream that almost sounded like a roar. Making us shake in fear.

"what the hell you go check out." My leader said to me. Making me gulp and go around the dark corner alone.
When I did, my gun was taken from me. The next I knew, I was on the ground. I looked up and saw Him, the 'demon 'making me shake and piss myself.

"You are going...YOU ARE All GOING TO PAY!!" He raised his foot in the air above my head. I tried telling him to stop, but he didn't, and everything went black.

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