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Fenix estate, Ephyra
14 A.E.

Roland could only stare at the Imulsion and pouring out of it in shock. 'We found out that small portions of Imulsion shouldn't harm me based on the test they did to me in training by seeing if I could get Rustlung. I couldn't get sick with the small amounts they put in my arms and legs. The traces disappeared. But this was 20 times bigger than any amount that's been in my system in my whole life. But this was right beside my brain! When did that happen! The only time I didn't see something coming at me was when...Shane Hazworth's died,' Roland thought towards himself. But shook his head.

"Gears continue on mission," Roland said to them and looked at the second floor of his old home and saw a Grub shooting down at them. There was probably more in the house.

"Dad! There is fucking Imulsion going in your brain!" Adam yelled at Roland. Roland looked at his soldiers and noticed that they weren't sure about him.

"Gears! We are taken that house! If I remember right, there is an extended APC in the Garage that needs work on. Baird, you take Cole and Barrick to watch your ass while you fix it." Roland said to them, and they nodded and left.

"Charlotte, come here! (Charlotte run close to him) were going to give you cover, and you take the shot. (She nods her head) Covering fire!" Roland yelled with him, and other males fired at the very well-in trench Grub on the second floor.

Charlotte quickly exposed herself out of cover and took a half-second look down her scope, and did a head shot killing the Grub.

"Good job, kid. (Pats Charlotte shoulder) Let's go, Gears!" Roland said, leading the Gears inside the house. Roland quickly used his wrist blade and stabbed the chest of one Grub and left it in the air, and threw at another Grub knocking it down.

Charlotte pulled out her pistols and gunned down several Grubs running down the stairs. Adam killed one locust with his shotgun by blowing its head off. And then turned around and caught the fist of one and broke the hand. And then pulled the knife as slight as its throat killing it.

Marcus threw a grenade in an E-hole, coming up killing over six grubs. The house was clear. Roland taps his comm."Baird, how is the APC?"

"The clutch plate is cracked. I'm gonna have to take if the ply wheel...and pull the driveshaft for sure."

"Just fucking fix it," Roland screamed over the comm. Roland looks around and starts to barricade the front door with a couch.

"Charlotte, I want you to take a position on the second floor and keep anything from going through the front door. Adam watch her back." Roland said, and they nodded.

Roland was running down the stairs when he remembers when three burglars shot him down. The first people he killed. He shook his a little and led Marcus and Dom into the basement.

The whole time they could hear sniper rounds being fired. Most likely from Charlotte's 'Longshot.' After killing every grub in the basement and tunnels.

Marcus, Roland, and Dom discovered a metal door behind a cabinet. And told Jack to touch it mainly because Roland didn't want to damage anything inside the room after the Grubs tried launching a counter-attack and getting killed.

Jack tells them it was ok with a series of beeps. The Gears walk in, seeing that a dark room and see the terminal and walk up to it.

"Jack, plugin and see what you can find," Roland said, watching it float to the terminal. And a tunnel system is shown.

Roland taps his comm."Alright, control here it is."

"I'm bringing to the data now. Stand by." Anya states after a couple of seconds, it shows how big the tunnel system is.

"They're Locust tunnels. It doesn't seem possible. There can't be this many tunnels. It's a honeycomb! The planet's crust is riddled with them! They're everywhere!" Anya exclaims.

"I take it that qualifies as enough data to get the job done?" Marcus asks his brother and Roland nodded to him.

"More than enough," Anya said, surprised.

"Lets g

All of a sudden, the terminals brought up a picture of something. Roland walked to one of them and saw a played button and pressed it. A voice was heard. It was Roland's and Marcus' father's voice. And their father's face popped up on the scene. He looked two decades older before he died around the middle of the P-wars.

I have been looking for someone for years. The mother of my firstborn. I didn't want to? But sometimes Spike has that look of wanting to know who is his real mother is. He hasn't asked me. But Elian came to me the other day saying she been suspecting Roland of this. So I have been digging...but for some reason, the place with Roland's mother, every piece of camera feed, or any type of pictures of his mother was gone, just gone. Like if somebody was trying to cover it up. But I finally found a source! And I would be damned if it wasn't his mother. I am going to tell him when we pick him up from Fort 97. His mother's name is...

The screen was turned off from an explosion happening on the ground.

"What! Nononono! Damn it!" Roland screamed in anger. And slammed his arms on the table and looked at his brother."He looked several years younger before he was killed! Why didn't he tell me?!" Roland screamed in anger, and you could see a single tear go down his face. He couldn't make sense of this.

Marcus had an idea of the secrets his father died with. But this was way past this line. Even for his father. His father kept a secret from Roland for two decades

"Uh, guys? There's still a war going up here. There have to be hundreds of them! Get up here, will you?" Baird's voice went on the comm. Roland didn't answer. Marcus went to answer for him. Roland saw a look in his brother's eyes that he hasn't seen since their mother's death.

"Ît's not going to be a fucking war! It's going to be a goddam massacre!" Roland said, running full speed out the room.

Vote and comment. I am thing about making an all-out badass scene when he runs to the front door.

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