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'The Mine'
14 A.E.

After the Gears made their way to the elevators and killing several boomers guarding them, Roland told control of yet another stranded they found and will continue on the mission.

The elevators reach the bottom, and the Gears and Stranded hoping down and seeing the mine.

"Damn," Dom said.

Baird takes in a deep breath."Stinks down here. There's Kyrll shit everywhere."

"It fucking stinks," Tanner said.

"It worst in the sewers," Anthony exclaimed.

"Let's get this done and get out before the Kyrll come back," Roland ordered. And the Gear nodded because if they came back right now, then they're dead.

"I heard that," Cole says, following Roland with the others quickly.

"Wretches!" Gyules said, pulling out his shotgun with the others doing the same against the herd of Wretches coming from all directions with the Gears making a circle around the civilians.

Roland squeezed the head of the last Wretch, killing it.

"Okay, Marcus, Dom, Anthony, Tanner with me. Everyone else stays with the resonator and protect the civilians." Roland ordered.

"You don't have to tell me twice," Baird said.

"Good luck Anthony!" Rose said, and Anthony nodded to her.

"We'll radio you when it's all clear," Marcus said, following his brother. They made it down the walkway when a group of wretches came on them, but Roland quickly killed them by himself.

They walked to a small cliff with water going down it. Marcus and Dom walked forward to the edge.

"WATCH OUT!" Marcus exclaimed, losing his footing.

"Arrgh! damn!" Dom said, losing his balance and falling. Both Gears made it to the bottom safely.

They wondered where the others were. And saw that Roland having a hand on each of Tanner's and Anthony's armor collars. Roland look like he was the only thing keeping them from falling.

"Brother, you're an idiot! What did I tell you when we were kids? 'Always pay attention to small details." Roland said with some mocking at the end.

"Smartass!" Marcus said to his older brother. Making him laugh a little.

"Well, Anthony, Tanner, this seems to be the only way down, so...have fun!" Roland said, letting go of Anthony and Tanner.

"Shit!" Tanner screamed, hitting bottom where Dom and Marcus were. The four Gears at the bottom looked up and saw Roland sliding down the hill on his feet. Like it was no problem and with him calmly landing, not losing his balance at all.

"John, Kim, we made a detour. You're going to have to find a different way." Roland said through the comm.

"Yes, colonel," Kim said over the comm.
"You got it, Dad," John said.

"We see you there, kid," Marcus said over the comm to his nephew.

The Gears stopped when Roland put his hand up, stopping them and signaling them to his sides and to be quiet. The Gears didn't know what he was doing but listened.

They heard voices when they were slowly moving forward.

"Get the prisoner." They heard a Locust voice ahead of them.

What the Gears saw was four Locust opening the door to a small building. The Locust walked in and picked up a Gear by his arms and legs and thrown him at its feet of the lead Locust.

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