You have to live son part 1

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Spike age: 9
Marcus age:5
Adam Fenix POV:
Ephyra Hospital

The past 10 hours have been the hardest in my life. As soon as we landed at the base, I got myself on a Plan. The battalion commander General Brode had a Plane already waiting for me with a medic on board to better look at my leg that was shot. I wasn't able to learn anything in the air. After landing, it would seem everything was set, waiting for me to get to the Hosptial. I even had a small police escort get there faster.

I saw the front of the hospital crowded with new crews and reporters. And police were blocking their way in the hospital. When they saw me, they tried to get in front of me and ask questions. I just pushed my way through them. I was not caring about being rude. An officer stopped me.

"Sir, your son is this way. Follow me." I followed.
The officer to the inside and to a way Elevator with a couple of other people inside. I saw a man with a newspaper with the headlines.

"Boy stops burglars."

And I saw a picture of my family. And saw something I wasn't told yet.

"Give me that." I took the paper and read it. It would seem the man knew who I was because he just gasped.

"Boy kills three intruders in defense of mother and little brother."

My little boy killed three men.
My little boy killed three men at the age of 9.

The Elevator door opens finally. I walked out just in time to hear.

"Daddy!" I feel something hit me in the side and saw it was Marcus with tears and a red face.

"Marcus, thank God." I picked him up and cried into his head.

"They say that Spike is going to die. Daddy tells them it's not true." Marcus says, crying.

"Son, where is your mother," I asked, putting him down trying to stay calm.

"She is beside my brother. Follow me," Marcus said, grabbing my hand, and I followed him. Avoiding doctors and nurses.

I went inside the room and saw my Son with an oxygen mask helping him to breathe. And saw multiple bandages around his arm and leg. And I could see several bulges under his hospital gown. I saw Elian just looking straight at Spike, crying quietly. I could see her hands on his left hand.

"Elian," I said. But it seemed her mind was elsewhere.
"Elain, I am here." I grabbed her shoulder and turned her around. When she saw me, she just hugged me and didn't say a word.

"Are you ok." she just nodded towards my question.
"How bad is he," I asked with a straight face.
"Marcus goes outside, please," Elain said with a tired voice.
He wanted to argue, but he went outside with the police officer.

" He was shot five times, once in the arm, once in the upper leg and twice in his left lung, and one grazed his heart. The doctor said he lost too much blood on the way to the hospital. Doctors say he Coded four times on the table. But they were able to stabilize him. But his brain wasn't getting enough blood which resulted in him into a Coma. That's the long-term problem. The short-term problem is his body is dying. His lung is destroyed, and he needs a transplant, but his heart is failing him. If he doesn't get the transplants in the next 26 hours, he is going to die." She said, hugging me and cried. She eventually told me what happened. And how she hated herself for never wanting to learn how to use a gun. And forcing Spike to learn. And getting a transplant in one day is the smallest odds for two organs for a match. It will take a miracle to help. For the first time in a long time, I prayed for a miracle.

Ephyra House of Sovereigns
Chairman Monroe POV: a few hours later.

"General, are you sure this is the boy," I asked, and he nodded.
"Yes, sir, we have been watching him since he was adopted by his biological father, Adam Fenix. And made several blood tests to see if he was her son to confirm it. And he has shown signs of what she had at that age. We are sure this is her son. If we let her line end, we could lose a variable soldier in the future. And by what I have heard, it seems all he wants is to be a Gear. It would be a waste to lose future assets."

"HE IS A BOY!" I yelled at him, slamming my hands on my table standing up. Mad at how this man was talking like this, and the boy was dying.

"Chairmen Monroe, if we let that boy die, then we lose all hopes have gone from that program. We should use the drug on him to save him."Doctor Alexander said next to me.

"But his body could be too young to take in the drug his body what are the damages he got shot fives times, and two of his major organs will fail by tomorrow," I said to him.

"Chairmen, he will die if we do nothing. If we give him this drug, he has a chance of living. You can say your actions saved the life of a young boy. And he will be a future C.O.G. Super Soldier for us in the future that can turn the tide of this war. And his father will accept the offer we gave him. His family Loyalty to the C.O.G. is unquestionable." Doctor Alexander said, trying to make an argument.
I thought hard my advisers kept on saying how this is a super soldier in the making. But this is a BOY! Who stood in defense of his mother and younger brother. I should have been told the boy was hurt when this happened. But between transportation to the house to the hospital in a storm got lost we lost half the time to have a chance to save him. To make up for my past sins. Maybe I can do something before leaving my seat of Chairmen.

"General, when can the drug get here," I asked.

"It can be here in the next 1o maybe 11 hours, sir, through the plane, Chairman." I nodded towards him to make the call and get them here.

"Doctor, what are the chances this drug will save him," I asked the aged doctor.

"30 percent sir, this drug was designed to save a grown man, not a child sir, and even most of the records got lost sir, or will just take us too long to find we thought we had time sir." Doctor Alexander said.

"Chairmen, the drug is on its way." The General said to me, and I nodded.

"General, I want you to get Captian Fenix Company here. Now I heard they got done with the mission I assigned them when Captian Fenix was there," I said to him.

"Sir, I don't think that wise that's over 40 Gears." General Lee said.

"I DON'T GIVE A DAMN I AM THE CHAIRMAN DO IT," I ordered him with the full authority of my position.

*Knock knock*

"WHAT!" I shouted at the door.

"Chairman, you said you wanted to know if any changes happened to Roland Fenix." I heard a slightly scared voice from my secretary.

"What happens," I asked, afraid that the boy died.

"It would seem the boy's body is failing faster than the doctors predicted. He has 15 hours to live, sir." The Secretary said.

"Thank you. You may go," I said to him, and he left.

"Gentleman, I am going to the hospital to make sure this happens with the best equipment and Doctors. And try convincing that FS97 is that boy's best chance. Make sure that the drug is not stooped do I make myself clear." I said, walking out the door.

Ephyra hospital
Elian POV: a few minutes later
I can't stop crying. Spike's body is failing him quicker now. He only has half the time left before he dies.

My baby is going to die. And I can't do anything to change it.

"DAMN IT! WHY, MY BOY, HE HAS DONE NOTHING WRONG." I screamed at nobody in particular.

"Mom....are... You...Ok." I looked behind me and saw Marcus at the doorway.

"I am fine, honey, come here," I said to him, and he nodded, and I picked him up and set him on my lap.

"Mom, I think Spike will live," Marcus said, and I looked down at him.

"Why you say that baby," I asked him curiously.

"Because he never breaks his promises," Marcus said to me. I have yet seen Spike break or fail a promise.

"What did he promised baby," I asked, rubbing his head.

"He said he would end all the fighting and make peace," Marcus said, shocking me. Spike never makes a promise he won't fulfill.

"And we have to be Gears together," Marcus said, grabbing Spike's pale hands.

You have to live, son

This is going to be a two-part chapter.
What program is Monroe talking about?
What is FS97
Who is spikes, biological mother?
Will Spike live?
Please read, comment, vote, and find out

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