The COG rallies

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Brigadier General Roland Fenix walked down the empty, dim corridors of HQ, dressed in traditional Gear uniform; grey uniform, tagged with multiple rainbows of campaign ribbons, grey trousers, and a Snub pistol holstered at his hip. The General was walking past dozens of Gears in the hallways doing their duties. He walked into the guarded war room where he saw Colonel Hoffman and a dozen or so of the senior majors and Captains were looking at the table with a large map. And they took quick notice of him. Hoffman and the Captains saluted to Roland, and Roland saluted back. "At ease, men," Roland said, and the Gears nodded to him. All these men Roland has fought and bleed with for years, and he trusts them all with his life. He wishes that all his Captains could be there for this, but they in the field and their Lieutenants all have been briefed on the plan.

"Gentlemen, how's the preparation for Operation: Hollow Storm. Is everything going on a plan?" Roland asked, and Hoffman nodded. "Yes, sir, things are in place, and close to 11,600 Gears will be assaulting Landown then, and once the lifts are in place, they will drop into the Locusts' backyard," Hoffman said, pointing Jacinto then to Landown. "General, we're going to suffer high casualties just getting to Landown, and then we're going to attack Locust where they sleep. And we won't have tanks or air support there. We will be very outnumbered, and we will be going through mountain passes full of the enemy waiting for us while going to Landown. Will it be wise to send the whole army to attack." One of the Captains asked, and Roland nodded to him. "Yeah, sure, if we didn't have to protect humanity's last stronghold. That's why I want 2,000 Gears that are left and all the militias to defend the city. With most of our forces attacking the Hollow, it will allow the Locusts to attack us with a large force. That's why I have already ordered for the Orbital weapons platforms to circle the city during the whole assault." Roland said, and his men nodded to him. "Sir, are you still planning on leading the attack." A different Captain asked, and Roland nodded to him. "Yeah, I can't lead from the surface. We're going to be in enemy and unknown territory. And let's not joke around. I'm still the best Gear in the army, even if my sons have changed. I can still kick all their assess." Roland said, causing the Gears to chuckle at this fact. They have seen the Fenix brothers challenge Roland, and let's just say they still have a lot to learn."How the state on the defenses of the city. Are the locusts still attacking in small numbers?" Roland asked, and Hoffman nodded. "They're like annoying flies," Hoffman said, and Roland nodded to him. "They're testing our defenses to get as much information as they can before a large assault begins. That's what the UIR did." Roland said to him, and Hoffman nodded to him. "Brothers in the next couple of days will determine if our race will live or die. Let's go over the routes the ground forces will take." Roland said, and they nodded and started to go over which regiments will be taken which route.

Outside of Jacinto City Hospital, it showed Medics running back and forth to help the many wounded from the front lines. It showed Marcus, Dom, Anthony, and Anya staying out of the Medics way as they work. "It never ends..."Marcus sighs, shaking his head at the wounded Gears. A little part of him was happy that the wounded Gears were injured instead of dead. "They're getting bolder. Those Gears were guarding the Pomeroy Depot. I hear it's been reinforced with heavy weapons." Anya stated, shaking her head. Dom's eyes widened. "Damn. That just down the road. How is Roland letting this happen?" Dom asks Anya.

"He's trying, but the city is so big their stretch too thin. Thanks to the Chairmen. And only about half of our Gears are fully trained. A lot of recruits have been joining the past couple of months. And their training is only now getting back on track." Anya said to him. Suddenly a dozen King Ravens came into hearing range and landed on the road with Gears getting out of them with one of them landing on the rooftop so a sniper team could set up. "Damn, sending many Gears to reinforce this street," Dom said, and Marcus nodded to him. "Yeah, Veterans too, not half-trained Rookie's," Anya said, and when the King Ravens left, two Centaur's came driving on the road and took defensive positions. Anya exhaled and looked at Dom. "Okay. I'm heading to the hospital now. I need to check on that lead."

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