5 Years later

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(A/n I noticed I messed up on his age, so I am fixing it here. Spike was born in 27 B.E. He will be 16 years old here. So Marcus is about to turn 11)

Name: Roland Spike Fenix (Classified)
Nickname: Spike (Classified)
Age:16 (Classified)
Rank: 2nd Lieutenant
Hair color: Black with a Strain of blond hair
Eye Color: Bright Blue
Height: 6'6 and a half
Has the C.O.G. Symbol as a Tatto on his left shoulder.
11 B.E.

House of Sovereigns, Ephyra
Spike POV:

The past five years have been hard for me. Training would be problematic when the Chairman decided to use wights on me for always to wear to up helping even the odds when I trained with my instructors During each of all my mixed martial art Lessons. Learning how to use Melee weapons, swords, daggers, Knifes even know how to make Bows and arrows and use them. Learning how to use Survival training in the desert, Forests, Jungles, Arctic, and Deserts. It taught me how to use all C.O.G. And known U.I.R. Weapons. Taught me underwater warfare.
It taught me what's in these regions to help me make medicine. It taught me how to learn pain endurance and taught me how to resist torture. It even taught me how to be a medic if needed. It even taught me how to be a military lawyer if required. It taught me how to be a little bit of an Engineer. It taught me how to drive at high speeds. Taught me how to be a pilot taught me how to operate most C.O.G vehicles, even most of the U.I.R. Taught Me how to learn the basics of an officer. It even made me test some armor out. I can't say more about it because it's classified.

It taught me how to read and write and speak most of the languages on Sera (That's what their planet is called). Taught me the histories of all the countries and major cities' history and landscape history.

They were surprised I could learn all this in five years. They said it should be physically impossible to do it.
It even taught me about how to have Sex and types of Sex. That was by far the most Embarrassing they taught. Thank God they didn't force me to Have Sex or watch. They gave me books and made me read them... But I could tell they wanted me to have sex with the extra women they bought to the base for more training, and they were a bit a little touchy, but I ignored them. All they wanted from me is make a new generation of super soldiers. During my 267 training missions, This is why They have seen that.
My bones are five times stronger than a regular human. I can run up 15 to 20miles per hour. I can lift to 2000 pounds, 2300 pounds if pissed off. They even said my nose is almost as good as a dog. And that my hearing is three times better than an average human. And I can stay underwater for 11 minutes.

And they were shocked my highest punching power is 4000 pounds of punch voice. If very pissed off and running right, it can be 5500. The doctors said my body is constantly getting stronger while I grow up. And I haven't hit the peak of my strength. So the doctors/scientists say.

They still not for sure if it was FS97 that did this to me, or it was the program my mother was in that passed some things down to me. I have been asking about the program and my biological mother, but everyone doesn't know. Except for a few, and that was Three people General Lee, Chairman Monroe, and Doctor Alexander. The first two died from old age. And the third says the program he only knew very few about but wouldn't discuss it with me. I haven't seen or heard from him in 2 years. He went missing after I asked questions.

But through all that, I missed my family. I haven't had to contact any of them, not even my father, who has a very high-Security clearance. That shows how variable I am.

They say my family is a distraction or even a burden. But they are wrong! They are my drive to learn more to get stronger. I will bear the world's pain so they won't feel pain.

THANK GOD! I just got the news that my training towards the Chairman's expectations has been completed.

I was in my officer's Uniform standing outside the Chairman's office, looking out the window at the busy city. The Captial of the C.O.G.

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