The Factory

664 24 8

West of Ephyra, Tyrus
14 A.E.

After Roland advising the stranded to leave at first light and going to the nearest COG patrol area where they could be escorted to Jacinto for safety, some thought it was good others didn't. It was up to them.

The platoon of Gears was in the large Junker and riding in the woods as quickly as possible. After some time passed and it started to rain. John and Roland look in the direction of the woods at the same time. All the Gears trying to see what they were saying, but we're having no luck.

"You saw it too?" John asked his father and Roland nodded his head to him."I can hear them but only barely." Roland said to John. Then he looked to his Gears.

"Gears, just in case, get ready for a fight the second we stop," Roland told them, and they nodded their heads, checking their weapons. If the 'Marauder' tells you something, you listen. Period.

Suddenly an explosion happened to the back of the Junker.

"Hold up!" Dom shouts to Marcus, who was driving the Junker.

Marcus hits the brakes making the Junker stop, and it wasn't far from the factory. It was maybe a couple of hundred yards from the Junker.

"Go! Go! Go!" Roland ordered the Gears to make the Gears of what they were trained and make a half-circle in front of the Junker. Just in case of an ambush.

Roland saw the back of the Junker and saw the fire in it. And it was only getting worse.

"Alright, Gears, we're walking," Roland said to them and went to move but was stopped when Baird commented.

"Are you kidding me?" Baird asked in a smartass tone.

"Baird keep those comments towards yourself, especially when it is something stupid," John said to Baird, shutting him up.

The Gears slowly walked in a V formation to the factory, and Roland tapped his comm."Control, this is Colonel Fenix. Our transport is DOA. We're moving to the pumping station. Any intel you got for me?" Roland asked while leading his Gears.

"Copy that colonel. The pumping station lift is offline. So you need to enter the mines through the factory. Continue on the mission." Anya said over the comm.

"Stupid Junker. Piece of shit." Baird said, hating his situation.

"Can you fix it?" Dom asks.

"Baird can fix anything, man." Cole states with a small smile."He just needs the right parts." Cole says while they enter the front of the Factory front gate.

They made it on the outskirts of the factory with them making their in on the dirt paths when suddenly, in a flash of lighting, showed a couple of Wretches climb on the pipeline above them. The only difference between the ones in the city and these. We're that these eyes and mouth were glowing yellow.

"What was that?" Dom asked since this was the first time he has seen anything like it.

"Control, we got what looks like glowing Wretches out here," Roland said to the comm.

"Copy that. We've has reports of Lambent Wretches before. Possibly due to direct Immulsion exposure. Be advised. They are extremely volatile."

Roland nodded, signaling the Gears to run forward to a door that would let them in the Factory. Marcus, Dom, and Rojas tried opening it, but it didn't work, so they ask John to kick it down. He was more than happy to do.

Roland smelt something off he saw his son about to kick the heavy door down.

"JOHN!" Roland yelled, stopping his son. His foot was an inch from hitting the door.

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