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"How dare you touch my doll, Asad?". An 8 year old, grumpy Hidayah asked her cousin, Asad.

"It's fluffy just like you". A 12 year old, Asad said earning her glare.

"Don't touch my things". Saying she snatched her doll from his hold.

"Looks like fatty is so much obsessed with her toys". He said teasing her.

"Don't call me that". Hidayah said at the verge of tears.

"Asad! Don't trouble her. I asked you to play in the garden and not trouble her". Asad's mother warned her son going to her niece who was already wailing.

"Shh! My dear. Don't cry! He's so ugly. Look at him ". Rafeeqa said trying to cheer up the wailing child.

"Yes he is! ". Hidayah said feeling remorseful of her cousin and wiping her tears from the back of her hands.

"My mother supported you but I'm not crying like you do". Asad said and ran away.

"Why does he always do that masi? I've come here to bade you all a good bye. I'll miss Anam and you and uncle too but not that brat. I've come here after a long time. Still he cannot behave nicely with me. Am i that fat? ". Hidayah asked her aunt.

"No my dear! Just don't mind him. I'll talk to him to behave". Rafeeqa said calming her niece.

"What happened to my Pari?". Rafeeqa's husband Sadique asked Hidayah coming to the garden. He considered her as his daughter. He has a soft corner for her. An attachment, he'll never understand, how and when he developed for her. It still kills him to bade bye to her. But he was helpless. He was moving to USA with his wife, son and a daughter to handle his dad's business there for he's the only heir in the family.

"Did Asad really upset you my Angel? ". He asked her further.

"Yes uncle". Hidayah said going to her uncle leaving her aunt's warmth.

"He'll get scolded and also I'll never buy an ice-cream for him in US". Sadique said.

"You all are going? I'll miss you uncle". Hidayah said which saddened his already grieving heart.

"we'll video call each other daily". Rafeeqa said making the atmosphere lighter. And then they heard a crying sound of a 7 years old, Anam.

"Anam is awake. I'll go get her". Hidayah said running inside their home.

"I'll miss her Rafeeqa". Sadique said.

"we'll always Sadique. After Hiba didi's death. It was difficult for Yahya jeeju to handle his daughter. But we were there for him. Now, when we're moving into a complete new nation. I'm afraid, How will he cope up with her! ". Rafeeqa said sadly.

"Why can't we get her married to Asad? ". Sadique asked the possibility for hundredth time and Rafeeqa was surely pissed off..

"They're still kids Sadique and let them grow up first and we don't know if they'll be willing to marry each other in future and we can't imply our decisions on them. And also, They can't tolerate each other for a second. You're talking about whole life here". Rafeeqa said disheartened.


Little did they know, Hidayah and Asad were bound to be together for the rest of their lives by their fate...

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