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Chapter 14

After 10 days:

Sometimes you have to stay silent because no words can explain what is going on in your mind and your heart.

Sometimes it's best to stay quiet. The silence can speak volumes without ever saying a word. Asad found his silence more peaceful. He didn't go to office from past 5 days. He felt like house arresting himself. He has been ignoring calls of his parents from past 3 days. He thought They probably wanted him to join them for her reception party. She probably got married 3 days ago.

He laughed sarcastically at the turn of events in his life.

At 3 in the morning, He decided to offer his Tahajjud prayer in which he found solace. After two rakhat, he lifted his hand for dua,
"Ya Allah!I need a miracle in my life right now. I never thought I would place my trust in anyone or anything. I want to lean on you. Please guide me steadily out of this pain and confusion which has become a part of my life now. Please guide me, ya rab! ".
That night, he prayed his heart out. He didn't utter any words for he knew, Allah doesn't need his words. He know what he is going through. And he will guide him and heal him. After staying longest in the prayer mat, Asad decided to take a quick nap. At 6, he finally drifted to a land of dreams where reality has no place. But his short nap was short lived as he heard a harsh knocking on the main door of his apartment. He unwillingly got up to know who's at the other side.

"Tom! What's wrong? ". Asad asked his assistant on finding him at the doorstep.

"Sir! There's a call from India. A family emergency". Tom extended his mobile towards Asad. He quickly took it and pressed it to his ears.

"Hello". Asad said.

"What do you think, you're doing Asad?". Sadique asked furiously to his son for ignoring their calls for three consecutive days.

"Abba I'm sorry". Asad said guiltily.

"Why weren't you picking our calls? Where is your God damn phone? ". Sadique asked him further.

"Its switched off Abba". Asad said.

"Take the next flight and come here". Sadique said.

"I don't want to Abba! Please don't force me". Asad said thinking of the possibility that they want him to attend Hidayah's reception party but the next words of his father tore him apart.

"Zohra Khala is no more".


"Abba! Please calm down. Dadi wouldn't like you crying. Please for her sake, stop crying. Make dua for her Abba! ". Hidayah said amidst crying as she tried to calm down her father who is more broken by the news. Zohra wasn't keeping well from past 2 days so she was admitted in the hospital. Her health was detoriorating minute by minute. And this morning, the doctors confirmed of her passing away.

"Why do everyone leave me and go?". Yahya asked his daughter crying hysterically.

"Abba! I'm right here. I'll never leave you alone. Come! Let us see her for the last time". Hidayah said extending her hand.

"I can't Hida! ". Yahya said losing all his hope.

"You can Abba!". Hidayah said being strong enough to face this situation. She was hurting herself for losing her Dadi. She had been no less than a mother to her. Right from her childhood, she would share anything and everything with her. She has lost her another mother today. Being a motherless child, it was difficult to lead her Life but with dadi being around, she felt life is still being generous to her. But now she can't even imagine how will she cope up with a situation like this. But she needs to be strong for her father. She can't breakdown in front of him for she's the only one now to fill the void in his life.

"Think about Hida, Yahya. We all are hurting. Please be strong enough". Sadique said coming to the room where father daughter were shedding the tears for losing their only support.

"This way, you will fall sick Abba! And I don't want that". Hidayah told her father who in return nodded getting up.

"There's so much noor on her face. Hida". Yahya said when he saw his mother's lifeless body which was shrouded in white sheet in the hall of their little home, they had created together. She never thought she will ever have to witness a day like this.

"Yes Masha Allah! May Allah grant her magfirah". Hidayah said unable to take the pain. She leaned on Rafeeqa and wept silently. She was trying to act strong in front of her father but seeing her Dadi sleeping peacefully. Not talking to her, not asking about whether she had her meals, not scolding her for eating scrambled eggs more often, she broke down.

"Beta! Dadi wouldn't like seeing you cry either ". Yahya said making her stop crying.

"I don'tttt knnnowww Abbbba! I feeeeeel so nummmmb". Hidayah stuttered. Her vision getting blurry.

"I can understand beta! It won't be easy for you either but together we will overcome it, in shaa Allah. Just like how we have overcame the death of Hiba". Yahya said strengthening himself and her in the process.

"Is there anyone else to see the body?". Few women from the masjid came forward to ask to get the body cleaned and give a bathe.

"My son is on his way. He probably might reach at the midnight. Tomorrow early morning, we'll take the body to the graveyard". Sadique said. Nodding at him, the women left.


He felt numb to take any further steps. His steps halting after each steps taken. He was sad and guilty for not being there for his Dadi. She's been a joyful personality. He had known her for a short period but the impact of her presence was truly commendable. But he pitied on Hidayah and Yahya for they have lost their supporting hand. Praying for their mental peace and sabr, he finally walked to the home he had left for not coming back anytime soon.

There were many people gathered at the garden of their apartment. The garden reminded him of Zohra. She so loved gardening differnt kind of flowers. He felt like all the flowers there were sad too for there will be none to nurture them from here on. When he stepped inside the apartment, the first person he saw was Hidayah sitting beside her Dadi. It's been just 3 days to her marriage and she had to go through this crucial situation. He hoped, her husband is coping up with the situation.

"Asad! You came? ". Rafeeqa asked despite crying.

"Ammi. Don't cry. Dadi wouldn't want to see you all cry. Make lots of dua for her. We all have to go one day. Ammi! But look at the bright side. She didn't had to go through so much pain. Alhamdulillah for that. She's in a better place now Ammi! She has lived a life of great women. She indeed was one". Asad said and Hidayah couldn't control her emotions anymore. She walked back to her room amidst call from everyone present there.

"Ammi! I want to see Dadi". Asad said and Rafeeqa lowered the sheet that covered Zohra's face.

"May Allah grant her magfirah". Asad said heartily praying for the lady, he had always looked upto.


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