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Chapter 19

"W...H..A..T? ". Hidayah asked her father out of shock.

She couldn't believe her ears.

Was she even hearing it right?

Asad wants to get married to her within 3 days prior to his departute to America.

"But what's the hurry, Abba? ".

"It's not like he's forcing his decisions on you. He's being fair enough here. He didn't ask you to move into their mansion just yet. It will be after your reception which will be conducted after Asad is back".

"I understand Abba. But I don't know what to say".

"It's better this way beta".

"Abba.. I... I".

"Don't panic beta. Just think about it".

"But what's the reason of hurrying up? ".

"I asked him the same. He didn't want you two to get indulged in haram things like talking to each other on phone is still prohibited even if you're engaged".

"I understand Abba. But it's too early".

"One day, you'll anyhow have to get married to him beta, so why not now?".

"Abba.. I don't know".

"Think about it".

"When are you planning for the wedding? ".

"If you're ready, it will be day after tomorrow. One day prior to his departure. In sha Allah".

"And do you think, it's going to be alright Abba?". Hidayah asked being unsure of the decision.

"Beta. I'll be more than happy. Asad is the man I want you to end up with. The sooner, the better".

"But we don't have enough time".

"The nikah will be held in masjid. No much extravagance to keep the wedding high class level. Asad is successful and is eligible but he wants to follow the sunnah of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and have a low-key wedding instead".

"Alhamdulillah for that. I really didn't think he would go for a simple wedding". Hidayah said amazed by the information.

"Alhamdulillah. You're blessed Hidayah. And I can't thank the almighty enough".

"Abba. I'm.. I'm ready... to....for the..... Marrrriage". Hidayah said finally.

"Subhan Allah". Yahya exclaimed happily.


The wedding preparations in both Rehmani and Siddiqui house was in full swing.

First marriage in both the families, it had to be special.

Only close relatives were invited to keep it a low-key wedding. Yahya didn't leave any stone unturned in the preparations. After all, it's the wedding of his only daughter.

Although Asad and Sadique clearly told him about the expenses to be weighed by them. But Yahya refused it saying, he would love to do the least for his daughter.

Hidayah was scared, nervous and shocked as well. She couldn't believe she's getting married tomorrow.

"Asad is head over heels for you otherwise who would propose such an idea?". Haseena said sitting in a cafe of Rehmani industries along with Hidayah.

Hidayah had to rush to office, in order to sign some documents. Sadique was sorry for calling her at such times but it was needed. After the paper work was done, Haseena joined her to Hidayah's office to buy the necessary stuffs required for the bride. But Before heading to the mall, they decided on munching a sandwich in the office's cafe.

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